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View Full Version : Chaser

12-21-2003, 08:47 PM
been to megagames, something must be wrong with their server cuz it's hella slow, and when i go to download the crack, it gives me that stupid cannot find page crap. been to gamecopyworld, their server that holds the 1.50 english fixed exe is down (including all the other mirrors that hold it). can't go to astalavista at the moment, dad is home. got edonkey link for it from gamecopyworld, still not downloading. long story short, just finished installing chaser, then i, for some stupid reason, updated it to 1.50 assuming that the servers that hold the 1.50 crack is up. went to download crack, and voila, no good servers. so if anyone has the crack, please tell me where to find it (non-porn site), that would really help, cuz i wanna play now :angry: ! oh and another thing, for those of you who have chaser, is it good? how much blood/gore is in that game? is it true that blood drips from any surface (something like that)? graphics any good? thanks for the reply!

12-21-2003, 09:36 PM
anyone..... :(

12-21-2003, 09:48 PM
re-install the game, then get the crack later when ur dad is gone