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View Full Version : Help -- I Need A Script -- Help

12-23-2003, 03:07 AM
I am looking for a way to post messages on a thread on a bbs in an easier manner then sitting there clicking. I have searched the web but cannot seem to fond anything...do any of you know of a script that I could use?? Any help would be much appreciated!!


3rd gen noob
12-23-2003, 03:09 AM
does the board you're planning on spamming have flood control on it?

12-23-2003, 03:11 AM
no it does not, also, for the record, i am not out to do anything destructive. Th reason i want this, is so that I can be the one to post the 50,000th message on this thread... http://www.forums.mlb.com/n/mb/message.asp...msg=56985.16542 (http://www.forums.mlb.com/n/mb/message.asp?webtag=ml-redsox&ft=1&ctx=0&cacheTag=x59-11&ld=&gfc=1&msg=56985.16542)


12-23-2003, 03:12 AM
That would be a bad idea to give such information out. Spammers/Advertisers use it to post the same message any number of times and no one welcomes that. :)

Edit: Just saw your post but giving it out on the board can be used by others for destructive purposes. You can write your own bot to do the same thing. I doubt if its available on search engine's. Low probability. And a question like this on normal forums would get locked.

12-23-2003, 03:15 AM
would you be willing to email me privately with the answer??

My email address is: [email protected]


12-23-2003, 03:18 AM
I haven't designed a bot to auto post messages. But can look for one in my resources. Will email if I do find one. But the chances are low.

12-23-2003, 03:22 AM
That would be AWESOME!! --- Thanks!

(If anyone else knows, plz email me or post here!)
