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12-23-2003, 09:40 AM
anyone got timeline hash, please post it here

12-23-2003, 09:47 AM
request !!!

Do a search !!! there is a DVDrip and a DVDscr. here!

Darth Sushi
12-24-2003, 12:50 AM
After five months, this guy hasn't learned to post in the right places :rolleyes: BTW for3024, try looking at all the other post in this section. You'll notice they all have verified hashes unlike yours.

12-24-2003, 05:17 AM
hmm...thats funny, cuz I did a search and came up with nada, zilch, zeeero. so maybe he had a valid request, and maybe he did post in the wrong section but doesn&#39;t give any of you the right to jump on his back. :rolleyes: its amazing what people do and say to make themselves feel important and superior. <_<

12-24-2003, 09:08 AM
hey ther is like 20 different versions of that screener but it looks suspicious coz they are all the same bandwidth and they are not downloading for nothing. Search for the artist "Evilfish" if you wanna see what i&#39;m talking about

Darth Sushi
12-24-2003, 09:46 AM
Originally posted by be_man31@24 December 2003 - 06:17
hmm...thats funny, cuz I did a search and came up with nada, zilch, zeeero. so maybe he had a valid request, and maybe he did post in the wrong section but doesn&#39;t give any of you the right to jump on his back. :rolleyes: its amazing what people do and say to make themselves feel important and superior. <_<
Oh, STFU n00b&#33; :P

12-24-2003, 10:14 AM
Originally posted by Dzuki@24 December 2003 - 09:08
hey ther is like 20 different versions of that screener but it looks suspicious coz they are all the same bandwidth and they are not downloading for nothing. Search for the artist "Evilfish" if you wanna see what i&#39;m talking about
:o :o Use the verified hashes that what there there for :o :o

12-24-2003, 10:48 PM
oh yes I forgot how NARROW minded darth shushi is, just cuz he sees I haven&#39;t posted very much he assumes I&#39;m a noob :rolleyes: dumbass&#33; <_< BTW good come back&#33; did ya think of that one all by yourself, or did mommy help you out? :D and junkyardking there is no timeline in the verifieds thATS why he was asking in the first place :rolleyes:

Darth Sushi
12-24-2003, 11:46 PM
Originally posted by be_man31@24 December 2003 - 23:48
oh yes I forgot how NARROW minded darth shushi is, just cuz he sees I haven&#39;t posted very much he assumes I&#39;m a noob&nbsp; :rolleyes:&nbsp; dumbass&#33;&nbsp; <_<&nbsp; BTW good come back&#33; did ya think of that one all by yourself, or did mommy help you out?&nbsp; :D and junkyardking there is no timeline in the verifieds thATS&nbsp; why he was asking in the first place&nbsp; :rolleyes:
Oh boy... another n00b desperate for attention. And yes, you are a n00b (just compare your membership number to mine)&#33; :lol: What&#39;s wrong, mommy and daddy neglecting your need for attention and you have to come to a pirate forum to make up for your deficiency? Rx: Get a boyfriend and jump his bones ;) You need it&#33;

Mr AnDy D
12-25-2003, 01:00 AM
sushi is one of those losers who goes to the internet to feel important, and hide his real identity, because he is ashamed of who he is

it&#39;s true

12-25-2003, 01:08 AM
oh shit you got me&#33; :helpsmile: your just too witty for me&#33; so what your saying is...you have more of a life than moi? hmmm lets see... your right about about our membership your have hung around here more than me but perhaps I don&#39;t hang out here as often as you do because unlike you I HAVE A LIFE&#33; your just a geek with no friends and your family wants nothing to do with you because your such a looser&#33; thats why you hung around here more than me? your absolutely right&#33; my bad. :rolleyes: I guess thats why your such a razor sharp LOSER who has to copy my insult...well not copy you sorta did put a little differant twist with my joke, kudos to you&#33; did you think of that one all by yourself too? or did I inspire that one? hmmm... anyways my point being is if your sooo much more experianced than every one else here on this site, then perhaps you should have showed a little class and restraint and not jumped on us "noobs"as you eloquently put it and gave a simple nice answer to for3024. would that have been so hard? <_< anyways I don&#39;t want to get into a fight with any one here on this site but I guess I was fedup of people like you always jumping on the "noobs" because some one posted in the wrong section or posted the same question twice etc..etc.. doesn&#39;t hurt to be nice

Darth Sushi
12-25-2003, 01:24 AM
Originally posted by be_man31@25 December 2003 - 02:08
... anyways my point being is if your sooo much more experianced than every one else here on this site, then perhaps you should have showed a little class and restraint and not jumped on us "noobs"...
The correct usage is you&#39;re, which is a contraction of you are, you n00b&#33; :rolleyes: Go back to grammer school. ;) BTW, it&#39;s experienced.

12-25-2003, 03:45 AM
:o oh you got me again with your superior intellect&#33; man you are just too good&#33; NOT&#33; did it occur to you that english isn&#39;t my first language? but your sooo smart with you&#39;re this and experience that... you didn&#39;t realize it? oh and BTW I speak 5 languages, how many do you speak? dude we can do this all night but in the end its you that keeps looking like an ass&#33; (heehaw heehaw)&#33; :D

Darth Sushi
12-25-2003, 03:55 AM
Originally posted by be_man31@25 December 2003 - 04:45
:o oh you got me again with your superior intellect&#33; man you are just too good&#33; NOT&#33; did it occur to you that english isn&#39;t my first language? but your sooo smart with you&#39;re this and experience that... you didn&#39;t realize it? oh and BTW I speak 5 languages, how many do you speak? dude we can do this all night but in the end its you that keeps looking like an ass&#33; (heehaw heehaw)&#33; :D
Four&#33; You got me there. http://www.mcbriens.net/liam/img/smilies/clap.gif But the next time I see the the word "your" used incorrectly, I&#39;ll always assume it&#39;s because he or she speaks five languages instead of four--NOT. :rolleyes: Or maybe you&#39;re just an illiterate n00b who claims to speak five languages.http://www.mcbriens.net/liam/img/smilies/yes.gif BTW, the correct usage should be it&#39;s instead of its. The word "its" is possessive just like http://www.mcbriens.net/liam/img/smilies/duh.gif(dé jà vu) the word "your." Also, ass instead of arse is more common among Americans. ;)

Thanks for the entertainment, dude. I haven&#39;t had this much fun since grammer school.http://www.mcbriens.net/liam/img/smilies/whistle.gif If I do post again in this thread, it will include a Timeline hash.

Merry Christmas, Feliz Navidad, Maligayang Pasko, Frohe Weihnachten, メリークリスマス ;)

12-25-2003, 05:19 PM
lol tis funny watching this.
not that im taking sides, but since when did anybody speak perfectly on this anyway? its a forum, and a pirate one at that&#33; most people typing on boards, IM etc make spelling mistakes and miss out most of there apostrophies coz thats just how it is&#33;

he must be an ex-teacher or summat to get so wound up&#33;

neways, i came into this thread looking for a timeline hash, is there one? :frusty:

12-26-2003, 01:12 AM
Hey man ... try to be nice to us NOOBS ... this is a COMMUNITY, afterall ... a polite redirection is all that is needed, Napoleon ... :sly:

BTW: there is nothing more lame and pathetic than an online arguement ... use your time for something more productive

12-26-2003, 03:47 AM
Just my 2 cents worth...and I&#39;m not a Noob definately. Not taking sides either but yes it would help you out if you post this in the request section, u may get more help instead of all the regulars flaming u just to get their kicks. Trust me I have been through this too many times. And a liitle info for everybody..Timeline is NOT out as a screener yet. :P