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View Full Version : Can Not Become A Supernode - Help

12-23-2003, 12:38 PM
I use KL 2.4.3 with KZN 1.4.7
I am connecting directly to ADSL modem (no router no NAT)
I unchecked "Do not function as Supernode" and the bandwidth is Unlimited.

I am working ok as Client.
I can "Force being a Supernode" but that is not good for normal operation.

I even was able to jump several supernodes while I "Force being a Supenode" then I unchacked the "Force being SN" and jump some additional SNs. It showed my status as SN (so I was happy) but after I restart my PC, KL resume working as Client.

Any suggestions? IS REV 2.4.3 reliable ???????

12-23-2003, 01:09 PM
So whats the problem then Kazaa changes you from supernode to Client at will which is a supernode!!!!
Don't know WHY you would want to be a supernode anyway hammers your machine/bandwidth and don't use Unlimited you COULD have download problems many on here asking questions have.

12-23-2003, 09:14 PM
No kidding and you also run risk of getting caught specially if your sharing large quantities.I use 4 different supernodes i have saved and mainly use out of the 4 and i don't have any download problems and that my machine is on downloading/uploading 24/7 except for the reboots every other day or so.I don't know why so many people have problems downloading stuff they expect mrackes when they connect.i have day's where i may not get any thing to download right away but with a little waiting and letting klite do the work( instead of forcing it to search and clogging up the net)

12-24-2003, 02:16 AM
restart klite and you should become one, if that does not work, check the box "force being a supernode" and see if that helps