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12-24-2003, 10:55 AM
Can I open several accounts and go winding people up? :)

Pweaseeeeeeeee, I could have 3 or 4 accounts and have lots of fun :D

Jonno B)

12-24-2003, 10:58 AM
Are we tallking about the pop idol judges or just people in general doing this?

edit:don't you already have 2 other accounts ;)

12-24-2003, 11:02 AM
In general and the twat idol thing!

Yes I have 2 other account but you all know they are me, and I never use them.

But I have been acused of doing what has been done recently, had a bollocking for it yet I did'nt do it, and last night a mod lets that go on knowing full well a posted pic was offensive to someone???

Wow this place is really sliding :(

Jonno B)

12-24-2003, 11:12 AM
I agree the sig thing was out of order...but most of it was just good fun:


In general I agree people should stick to their username and not hide behind alter egos to cowardly try and wind up people, perhaps if this does happen they should be named and shamed?

edit: just reread my first post, I come across as a bit blunt which wasn't my intention, sorry :)

12-24-2003, 11:12 AM
Well sweetie...had you not told anyone and just done it....would we be any wiser?? :smilie4:

Just do it! It's only the internet for god's sake....not like it's real or anything... :rolleyes:

12-24-2003, 11:24 AM
Originally posted by Withcheese@24 December 2003 - 11:12
they should be named and shamed?

You want me to? :devil:

I did'nt take offence dude :)

@Ella..........It&#39;s the pricipal, I got bollocked for it when I had&#39;nt even done it, they run amuck and offend a mod (my friend) and nothing is said <_< Even joined in by another mod <_<

You know me, I can have a laugh but when I get shat on for spamming and stuff and others get away with worse is a bit of "Rule for one and rule for another"

2 people, (good members) have left this board for these reasons&#33;
Think about that&#33;

Jonno B)

12-24-2003, 11:29 AM

Good morning all, what did I miss here?

12-24-2003, 11:40 AM
Morning Skweeks :) Happy xmas eve :D

Look in the "Is My Sig Offensive" thread &#33;

Jonno B)

12-24-2003, 11:59 AM
I just did, doesn&#39;t make it much clearer :unsure:

And a very good christmas eve for you too Jonno :D
Don&#39;t eat too much, leaves more space for teh booze :lol:

12-24-2003, 01:27 PM
the sig which jonno found offensive, had a pic of nikki chapman with a tick beside it and a picture of nikkid with a cross beside it, and it said accept no imitations or something like that.

Pete Waterman
12-24-2003, 01:51 PM
noiw listen all the point of the pop idol jusges is to follow a thread a kid named illuminati created, where he suggested it would be nice if regulars created another account and people who couldn&#39;t find out (mods and admin) had to guess who we were. so now is you chance who do you think i am, if you get it right i will come clean about the whole affair.

12-24-2003, 01:53 PM
J&#39;Pol or Spider Dude, most possibly the first though :)

12-24-2003, 01:55 PM
me? come on as if.

12-24-2003, 01:58 PM
we should do this like mastermind

simon cowell was........
pete waterman was.........
nikki chapman was.........
dr fox was..................
ant and dec were........
jordan was.................
ggggareth gggates was.........

you suggest names and you get a :D for if you get one right in the correct character, and a :o if you get it right but in the wrong character. get busy.

12-24-2003, 09:00 PM
Originally posted by Spider_dude@24 December 2003 - 13:58
we should do this like mastermind

simon cowell was........
pete waterman was.........
nikki chapman was.........
dr fox was..................
ant and dec were........
jordan was.................
ggggareth gggates was.........

you suggest names and you get a&nbsp; :D&nbsp; for if you get one right in the correct character, and a&nbsp; :o&nbsp; if you get it right but in the wrong character. get busy.
<edited so as not to spoil the fun, PM me if you object - Lamsey>

Hows that??

Do I win a prize? :P :01:

Jonno B)

12-31-2003, 03:00 PM
Originally posted by JONNO_CELEBS@24 December 2003 - 21:00
you suggest names and you get a&nbsp; :D&nbsp; for if you get one right in the correct character, and a&nbsp; :o&nbsp; if you get it right but in the wrong character. get busy.

Hows that??

Do I win a prize? :P&nbsp; :01:

Jonno B)

one out of 7 correct and in the right place, all the rest are wrong.