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View Full Version : Problem With My Friend's Pc

12-29-2003, 08:00 PM
My freind's pc hang everytime when he is in windows. :blink:

He is using XP and his machine is a P4 1.8

I been using XP for 1 over year now and my machine has never hang before. :D

I tried to format his computer and during the process of installing XP..... machine hang. :blink:

I suspect the problem could lies with his RAM. Need some opinion to troubleshoot his computer.


12-29-2003, 09:57 PM
Not enough info.

If his machine is repeatedly trying to commit suicide then perhaps he should seek counciling.

12-29-2003, 10:04 PM
You get any error messages when you restart?

Does he have proper cooling?


Tell us more

12-30-2003, 12:11 AM
Yeah, his fan on his HS might have died, so it doesnt cool, the processor over heats, his comp freezes.