View Full Version : Mac P2p Link

12-30-2003, 03:59 PM
hi i recently puerchased a imac and was wondering if anyone had any links or help with gettin p2p programs for them

any help is appreciated

ps. links wuld be real helpful

12-30-2003, 07:01 PM
I can recommend the following to you:
Atempt to obtain a refund for your purchase. Then invest in a proper computer.
Check out the Zeropaid (http://www.zeropaid.com) Peer 2 Peer information portal. There is a section (http://www.zeropaid.com/php/top_prog.php?frm_where=1&frm_where_type=mac) detailing Peer 2 Peer programs designed for apple computers (http://www.apple.com).

12-30-2003, 07:13 PM
Azureus (http://azureus.sf.net/) and XNap (http://xnap.sf.net) are popular for mac users, but yeah the zp link has all the p2p's for mac

12-30-2003, 11:46 PM
thanx for help is good but anymoore is always welcome, and i know i prefer pc aswell but this my bros but the design is awsome, its the screen that follows u and the base is just a semicircle [the desktop even] all very sleek but just to weird for me. thanx for help is for my big bro! :D

05-01-2004, 04:37 PM
just read this thread - I have checked out the links but still need your help - I need a p2p for mac OS9, anything will do for now; can you help with links? the links i followed all needed osx. does anyone know?

05-01-2004, 09:07 PM

05-02-2004, 12:09 PM
thanks, that's v kind - it works! now I'll have to see about pro...

05-02-2004, 12:48 PM
AcquisitionX (http://www.acquisitionx.com/), to get rid of the nag screen you will need to register it.