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View Full Version : Please Help Our Cause

12-30-2003, 08:23 PM
Hey guys whats up. Im usually in the hardware forum so you probably dont know who I am. Im 15, live in Texas, just finished building my new computer (in sig :D ). Thats all there is to know really lol

Now for the point of this topic. Me and some of the guys from the hardware section of the forum have joined up with a Protein folding website and help them fold proteins! This helps them to research how proteins fold. This may help find cures for desieses. Protein Folding (http://www.stanford.edu/group/pandegroup/folding/). That is there website. Please check it out and read up. It doesnt slow your computer down at ALL. It just uses spare cycles and you will notice no difference in performance.

To download please go Download Page (http://http://www.stanford.edu/group/pandegroup/folding/download.html) It is very small

Kazaa Lite has a team called KLF (Kazaa Lite Forum) The team number is 34905.

Once you install the program you will see a place to enter this number and please do. Thanks for your time.

P.S. This is NOT spam. Members of the hardware forum are already doing this and I just want to encourage yall to help out with the cause. Thanks

12-30-2003, 08:29 PM
Now this IS spam, You already have one thread in the lounge!
