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View Full Version : Downloading From Multiple Sources

12-31-2003, 06:09 PM
I searched for the movie "about a boy" and found parts 1 and 2 which are approx 150mb each, and about 25 sources for each file. I have a high speed cable connection. But after starting the downloads for each, my traffic window keeps saying "searching" and then "more sources needed", and now its 15 minutes later and neither file has begun to download. Sorry if this is a noob question, but I can't figure out how it could find 25 sources on the search window but then none once its over in the traffic window. Thx.

I'm not sure if this next part is related, but my machine (I run KL Resurrection) seems to rarely download from more than one source at a time, even when a file does start to download, regardless of how many sources there are. Right now I am downloading 9 files and none are from multiple users even though multiple sources were found when I first searched for them.

12-31-2003, 10:26 PM
U have to wait in line try jumpin supernodes, happend to em trying to download midtown madness i had to wait about 2days but it finnally worked

12-31-2003, 10:35 PM
TRY THIS (http://klboard.ath.cx/index.php?showtopic=64831&hl=)

01-01-2004, 02:22 AM
Having now read through more posts I wonder if there is a basic point I've missed.

That when you find a file with 50 sources, you may still get stuck with just one source that's available, and it may download to you at 1kbs. If that is fairly common then maybe that's my problem and there is nothing to do about it.

01-01-2004, 03:18 AM
That when you find a file with 50 sources, you may still get stuck with just one source that's available, and it may download to you at 1kbs. If that is fairly common then maybe that's my problem and there is nothing to do about it.

Yup Basically.Just keep trying do a search or sometimes i leave autosearch on unlimited and check it every once in awhile sometimes you get lucky and find a good source.(note↔ by leaving the auto search on unlumited you will jump nodes more.)Or just use the super list feature in the k nodes.

01-01-2004, 08:21 AM
Like wenze1 said, the search command in K-Lite WILL jump supernodes as it searches, giving you more users on the matches. But unless you're doing just as much jumping around with KaZuperNodes while downloading, you're not going to be getting the file from even a fraction of the users that came back on the search, especially if it was running for a long time.

I'm not 100% sure of this, but I bet you could build your own supernode list that would outperform the list of supernodes used in the original search for your file, by adding a wide variety of IP's, geographically speaking. Unless of course the search option has a different approach to supernode-jumping than the File->Jump Supernode command does. That always seems to put me onto a supernode across town.


01-02-2004, 01:05 AM
Try downloading (2) 750MB ISO files with a 42.6Kbps Dialup
and only (1) Source Exists ant any time Using KMD.

Solution Search 10 Times

& Get a Cup Of Coffee

01-12-2004, 10:36 PM
I am facing a similar problem

But after reading the whole thing i figured is that jumping supernodes might help.
here is my Question ! how do i jump supernodes i use KL++ 2.4.1