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fred devliegher
01-01-2004, 08:57 PM
Quick question : I'm using XP Pro with 192 MB RAM (P4 2.66 , 64 MB graphics). I've read this forces windows to use a large amount of virtual memory , and it means I play most games below recommended spec (still playable , though).
So - Do I place extra RAM (+/- 100 € to spend)
- How much RAM would I need ?

01-01-2004, 08:59 PM
yes buy more ram
everytime I buy more I kick myself for not doing it sooner

fred devliegher
01-01-2004, 09:11 PM
Kingston PC2100 512 MB -> 94 €

Fair price?
Or is that just a bit "much" for home use?
(would put my total on 704 MB)

01-01-2004, 09:24 PM
512 is good.
what /me has.
if you motherboard supports dual-channel though, that's really the way to go.
& what's the highest frequency ram it can have?

fred devliegher
01-01-2004, 09:56 PM
Ehm... checking...
HP site says 266 MHz (I hope that's what you mean) , AIDA32 puts memory speed at "PC2100(133 MHz)".

Or am I way off the mark here ? Hardware's not really my "thing"...

01-01-2004, 10:04 PM
nah 266 is the same as 133...dont be fooled hehe....


peat moss
01-01-2004, 10:08 PM
Xp recomends 128 mb but 512mb would be the optimal

fred devliegher
01-01-2004, 10:08 PM
266 = 133


Computer people...

So I'm all set then ? 512 MB in slot 2 , just plug it in and see what happens ?

Or is there some critical safety issue I'm overlooking?

peat moss
01-01-2004, 10:15 PM
Sell the 192mb and upgrade your video. I dont think most of us would need more than 512mb. Just a thought but your onboard is using shared memory probably 16 mb

fred devliegher
01-01-2004, 10:19 PM
Yes it's sharing memory... 64 MB from a 256 stick. Has to be more than 16 MB , I got Vice City running (albeit somewhat blocky).

Don't want to sell though... unless I just go all the way and install the maximum 1 GB (=2x512).

But I doubt the difference between 1 GB and 704 MB would be noticeable with current software / games :D

01-01-2004, 10:28 PM
Originally posted by fred devliegher@1 January 2004 - 16:08
266 = 133


Computer people...

So I'm all set then ? 512 MB in slot 2 , just plug it in and see what happens ?

Or is there some critical safety issue I'm overlooking?
Just be sure the power is off and that you grab a hold of the metal frame of your case before putting your hands on anything in there. Do this to to discharge any static electricity.

peat moss
01-01-2004, 10:28 PM
So you have 3 slots? 128 & 64 taken up then put in 256mb in stead .What I mean is configure for 512 or close to it

fred devliegher
01-01-2004, 10:34 PM
3 slots ? Certainly not...

As I understand it -

*Slot 1 : 256 MB (one stick)

*Slot 2 : empty

*ATI Mobility Radeon 7000 IGP sucking up 64 MB for graphics


Net result : 192 MB useable memory

Either that or I really don't have a clue.

peat moss
01-01-2004, 10:43 PM
Oh sorry thought you had onboard video 64 mg I feel silly now .lol
But yes buy the 256 mg .You might not see much of a difference at first but trust me it works. Listen to vb installin memory is easy but watch the static elec. Just make sure you seat it properly youll do fine

fred devliegher
01-01-2004, 10:50 PM
All right then...

I'm gonna shop around in Leuven over the weekend , if I can't find what I need I'll order online (found a shop that carries "my" memory but it's a bit out of the way).

Thanks for all the advice , I'll try not to fry myself/the comp/my relatives...



01-02-2004, 12:45 AM
I got 512 p2700 ram and have been thinking of doubling it for a while now,
is it worth it? will i notice much difference?

I got a P4 2.53, 80 Gb HD, 128mb ti 4600 graphics!

peat moss
01-02-2004, 01:06 AM
Hey your machines kicking butt.What you got money to burn ? lol Memory never hurts I guess. My rule of thumb is I would upgrade my video first IF you have 512mb your fine

01-02-2004, 01:07 AM
Originally posted by peat moss@2 January 2004 - 00:06
Hey your machines kicking butt.What you got money to burn ? lol Memory never hurts I guess. My rule of thumb is I would upgrade my video first IF you have 512mb your fine
Thanks but i'm gonner wait till the summer before i get a new graphics card!!

peat moss
01-02-2004, 01:15 AM
Christ summer? think of computers as dog years . lol Bye that time youll build your own. Stay with this board youll do great . HEE HEE

01-02-2004, 01:32 AM
Originally posted by BILLY-THE-FISH@1 January 2004 - 23:45
I got 512 p2700 ram and have been thinking of doubling it for a while now,
is it worth it? will i notice much difference?

I got a P4 2.53, 80 Gb HD, 128mb ti 4600 graphics!
open task manager, and watch your page file usage over a period of time, especially while performing multiple tasks.
it's gonna page some, that's fine...but if it's consistently using all your physical RAM, then add more, if not, there are probably other,
more performance-boosting ways to spend your money.