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01-02-2004, 08:03 AM
I just checked my idle temps even after the comp has been off for a bit and they were 55C. Is that really bad? Should I add like a couple more fans or what?

3rd gen noob
01-02-2004, 08:06 AM
what cpu and hsf have you got?
55 degrees isn't too bad

01-02-2004, 08:12 AM
Just a 2100xp with a stock hsf, and nothing is over clocked plus the temps can get up to 60C sometimes, god knows what they are when im playing a game :(

3rd gen noob
01-02-2004, 08:15 AM
55 or even 60 degrees centigrade isn't disastrous for an athlon xp...

if you're worried you might want to think about fitting a new heatsink and fan

Mr. Elmo
01-02-2004, 08:19 AM
yea but thats idle temp...i say thats pretty bad....what is it at at fullload

01-02-2004, 08:19 AM
I have a whole bunch of old fans laying around so couldnt I just mount them all over the inside of my case? How much will the temp drop if i added 4 more fans?

01-02-2004, 08:27 AM
You can't just stick fans inside your case, you need air flow...
This is how mine is setup...

01-02-2004, 08:28 AM
Thanks Ill set mine up like that and see what happens.

01-02-2004, 01:34 PM
Alright everything is good. I just put in some more fans and and more ventelation and my temps dropped alot. So i decided to overclock it. Now my temps are around 53C when im actually using the computer. I overclocked my 2100 xp from 1.7 GHz to 2.0 GHz, is that to much or should i leave it?

01-02-2004, 01:46 PM
Wait a minute here.

In just 5 hours you installed a bunch of fans, reassembled your machine and then clocked it up by 300MHz?

Have you run any benchtests at all?
How's your stability?
How are your load temps?

Your PC sounds like a timebomb.
I can hear the ticking all the way up here....

01-02-2004, 01:49 PM
Alright, first i put in some fans and took of a cover on the front of my case then i checked my temps and they were alot lower so i over clocked it then i used AIDIA32 and ran benchmark tests then checked what the temps were when the cpu usage was very high and they never went over 53C wich was lowere then what they were before i did anything. So every thing seems to be ok.

01-02-2004, 02:17 PM
I would highly recommend that you run a burnin test or, even better, Folding @Home for 8-12 hours before you decide that "all is OK".
I have read ( at the Prime95) site of people who only began to experience problems after 2-3 weeks of factoring.

If you jump to the conclusion so quickly that your setup is stable and "fine", then later on, if you have trouble, you may not think to check that it's been your temps/ clock rate all along.

I also think that you need to do alot more work on your cooling if you plan on staying at your current clockrate.
Your chip temp, while important, is not your only concern here.
Don't forget that by upping your clockspeed you have also raised the speed of your RAM- which may now need some airflow attention, as may your North/Southbridge chips.

At the very minimum, I would try to get your max load temps into the high 30's/low 40's before continuing any further.

Just a suggestion.

01-02-2004, 04:31 PM
Yeah, I agree with clocker. I cant believe that you overclocked that thing. The temps are very high. My temps are 34Idle and 43Full Load with my 2500@ 2200Mhz, which is a 400Mhz increase, and my temps are alot better then your stock ones. Those temps really seem weird to me...make sure your HS/F is working...cuz stock idle temps of 60C is kinda weird...mine were 28-31 stock idle.

01-02-2004, 04:38 PM
Originally posted by bigdawgfoxx@2 January 2004 - 09:31
Yeah, I agree with clocker. I cant believe that you overclocked that thing. The temps are very high. My temps are 34Idle and 43Full Load with my 2500@ 2200Mhz, which is a 400Mhz increase, and my temps are alot better then your stock ones. Those temps really seem weird to me...make sure your HS/F is working...cuz stock idle temps of 60C is kinda weird...mine were 28-31 stock idle.
you always agree with clocker...nothing new there <_<

but i agree as well :P

01-02-2004, 06:05 PM
I have never even seen a temp that high with my system.I had an XP2200+ running at just under 2 ghz (wasn&#39;t stable any higher) and I had my volcanoe 9 hs/f and throughout the summer never saw a temp above 45 degrees,even at full load.My idle temps were mid to high 30&#39;s.I get freaked when my curent XP1900+ gets up to 45 degrees I sure as hell couldn&#39;t imagine what I would do if it went into the 50&#39;s or 60&#39;s.

You definetly have to get a better heatsink and fan combo if you plan on running this setup very long,you also need to setup real good airflow in your case.Get rouded IDE cables if you don&#39;t already have thm because the old ribbon cables can really restrict airflow. My cooling setup is as follows.I have two 80mm fans in the rear,1 80 mm fan in the side panem,and 1 80mm fan in the front.Alsso the Volcanoe 9 has an 80 mm fan on it.

01-02-2004, 08:51 PM
Well i justs spent all last night fiddleing with my cooling and one of my probs was my room was almost fucking 28C so i closed some vents and opened a window and i finally got my temps down to around 45C full load and around 41C idle. And today im gonna buy a new heatsink so that should help alot. And yes i did overclock it if you dont beleive me.

01-02-2004, 09:18 PM
Lol, no...we believe that you did overclock..we just cant believe that you overclocked haha. With temps that high I cant believe overclocking even crossed your mind. The temps you just said if that is with the system overclocked, then thats pretty good. Just by opening a window they went down that much?

01-02-2004, 09:24 PM
I didnt just open a window, I fiddled with fan combos then found the best one then i cleaned my heatsink wich looked like it was clogged with dust :lol: then after that I opened a window untill it got really could then checked my temps and they were much better.But to bad it is fucking cold in here now.

01-02-2004, 09:51 PM
Hahaha yeah dude...opening the window in JANUARY? Actually its about 70 degrees down here in texas...it feels goood. And since you wont have the window open all of the time, thats really not an accurate temp.

01-02-2004, 10:03 PM
Yes i will have my window open all the time, i can live with a little cold.Plus i live up in canada so its like fucking -20.