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View Full Version : And I'm Off

01-02-2004, 04:04 PM
Today, at 12:30 I will be on the road heading to Washington, all by myself. In these last few months, life's crap has been getting the best of me, so I'm going on Vacation. It's a 22 hour drive If I drove straight, I'm going to break that up into 3 days there, stay for 1 full day, and head home. I'm going to try to meet as many people as I can and get pictures with them, I'm not sure if it's going to work out that way, but I thought that would be cool. I really don't know what to expcect, I'm so excited.

Well, see ya'll in a week. :clap:

(BTW-I don't know anyone there or anything, It just felt like that is direction I should go.)

01-02-2004, 04:06 PM
Enjoy yourself and be safe.

Don't drive for too long at a time, it isn't worth the risk.

Have a great time.

01-02-2004, 04:19 PM
Washington D.C. or Washington state?

01-02-2004, 04:28 PM
Have a good trip :)

01-02-2004, 04:38 PM
Originally posted by clocker@2 January 2004 - 10:19
Washington D.C. or Washington state?

01-03-2004, 12:47 AM
Okay, So (as some people already know) I have have been having the shittiest time of my life the last few months. I won't go into details, but imagine loosing, one by one, everything that is important to you. Not just 1 or 2 things, but everything so that all you have left is your family. (Yes, I do realize some people have less that that, but it doesn't make my situation any easier) My point is after all this SHIT has gone on, I finally decided I needed to get away so I chose this trip. I had a day from hell, several times I had second thoughts about the trip because things were going so bad, but I kept on thinking, If I don't go then I am going to regret it, so I went. I got 20 miles out of town and my van, of which I have put my heart and soul into, died. I was stranded on the side of the road in 12 degree weather for over 2 hours before my parents finally found me, and then we had to wait another 2 hours to get the van towed.

Oy....what's the point, I don't regret a single decision I've ever made. I've always tried the be the best person I can be, stand up for the little guy, do what I think is right, and yet in the 5 months.......I just don't know what the point is.

01-03-2004, 02:33 AM
The point is that life can be a bitch sometimes. And you learn from it. Makes things easier as you get older.
So things are going bad right now. Yeah, I know, it's easy for me to speak, I'm feeling great for the moment, but eventually things will clear up. You may have lost a lot, but think of all the new stuff you can discover now.
You're having a hard time and you'll have to deal with it one way or another. But it will make you a different person, and it will gain you a lot. One day there will be something that makes you feel really good, and you'll appreciate so much more :)

Heads up dwightfry, it'll work out, don't let it get to you!

*big hug*


01-03-2004, 03:22 AM
*big hug*

Thank You


01-03-2004, 03:43 AM
So, you planning on setting off again then (once your van's repaired)?

01-03-2004, 04:18 AM
The engine is froze, it can't be fixed. It would cost at least a grand to put a new engine in. The van wasn't worth that much, and I already have a $1200 hospital bill to pay. (I went in because I wasn't feeling good, they said I might have a tumer and wanted to give me a $250 CAT scan which actually costed $1100)

But, in rememberance of my Van, let me tell you about it.

It was a shitty, VERY used 88 Dodge Caravan named Otis.

1) The seat directly behind the front seats was turned around to face the back
2) The seat that was usually in far back was no more, it had been replaced with large, VERY comfortable chair strapped to the floor(Not a recliner, but a chair that would be in your living room) . It had wooden arms that had carvings all over and large soft cushions. We named the chair Throne. It's not 'the throne'. If you sit in the chair, you sit in Throne.
3) Curtains on all the back windows and behind the front seats to cut off all view fromt the outside world
4) A kickass system. Sony CD player, 450W amp, 2 twelve inch subs, and remote so that you can hang out in the back seat and still change tracks on the cd player.
5) There was wood pattern siding that I spent hours taking off with a heat gun just before winter.
6) My hood ordiment was replaced with the upper torso of a 10 inch tall action figuare of Satan. You could put him in poses and have him chase after people you don't like. His name was Lucy (Lucifer). People always ran from Lucy when he was 'running' after them going 60. :P
7) Flames behind satan and some on the sides
8) Licence plate said Otis, but I was going to change it to Lucy
8) The windows are tinted blue...all except one which is green. Last summer we went to a Beck concert, on the way there the back window wouldn't open all the way. There was a plastic peice that was jammed....we, being the geniuses that we are, decided to use a hammer to try to un jam the plastic thingy....while going 80 MPH down the highway. Not a good idea, the window shattared....I love my green window.

And of course more stuff, but it's all trivial like the 'flare' that is hung up everywhere. (Pins, stickers, and stuff like that). The most important thing though is the memories. I have hung out in that van more than I have driven it. We used to go to a friends trailer, open the back hatch and just chill outside all day listening to Beck, playing cards, smoking pot, and just having a GREAT time. Of course all the stuff is getting moved to the next van I buy, but the memories aren't there.

Me and some friends had it planned that when we were millionares we would turn the van into a Limovan. We would get another 88 dodge chop it up to extend my van. Bullet proof it. Add a sound proof window behind the drivers seat. Get a fridge in there, maybe a pop dispenser, oh boy, the ideas we had. Oh....and spinners, we had to have spinners.

I loved my van, may it rest in peace.