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View Full Version : Some Light Jokes

01-03-2004, 01:39 AM
monday - a rabbit goes into a bar and orders a pint of lager and a cheese toastie

tuesday - the rabbit goes in orders a pint of lager and a mushroom toastie. the barman says you like these toasties dont you. the rabbit replies theyre very nice thanks im gonna get one everyday from now on.

wednesday - the rabbit goes in agian orders a pint of lager and a tomato and ham toastie and compliments the barman

thursday he doesnt go in

friday he doesnt show up again and the bartender gets worried

saturday the bartender has to find out whats up so phones the rabbit. the bartender asks whats up and the rabbit says hes dying. when the berman asks how the rabbit says mixing me toasties

an english man an irish man and a scottish man walk into a bar. the bartender syas "is this some kind of joke"

110 i think

01-03-2004, 06:03 AM
Im confused and worried for u :unsure: do you need :helpsmile:

Rock Tonic Juice Magic
01-03-2004, 08:06 AM
Originally posted by h4mx0r@2 January 2004 - 22:03
Im confused and worried for u  :unsure: do you need  :helpsmile:

anyways good post :lol:

01-03-2004, 01:39 PM
a tramp goes into a bar and says to the bartender "if i show you a miracle can i have a free pint?"

the bartender says "if its good i reckon its worth one"

the tramp puts on the bar a little piano and a hamster then the hamster starts playing.

the bartender gives him a pint. then the tramp asks for another one and the bartender says "it'll have to be another miracle then"

then the tramp pulls out a frog and it hops onto the bar and starts singing.

amazed a man runs upto him and says " i'll give you 100 quid for that frog" the tramp doesnt hesitate and sells it.

the bartender says "howcome you sold it you could have got way more than £100"

the tramp replies "not really, the hamsters a vantrilaquist"


01-05-2004, 06:42 PM
i thought the jokes where going to be about lights !!!!!