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View Full Version : Questina About Finding Nemo Svcd And Black Borders

Joakim Agren
01-03-2004, 07:52 AM

I have a couple of SVCD files with Finding Nemo and now I want to burn them using NERO 6. How do I do that?

One thing that I noticed about them when watching them with VLC is that there is not only borders up and down but also to the left and right. I think it is called Letterbox format. Will those border be there when watching the files trough my DVD player at my television?

If so is there a way to get rid of them before burning them?

If so how?

01-03-2004, 07:33 PM
The answer to all of your s(vcd) and dvd problems. Ask at the forum, just don't mention you downloaded the movie (if you did). You can usually expect a quick response from them.

A quick answer to your question: Depending on how the movie was encoded, there's a good chance you'll get the borders on your TV as well. To get rid of them, you'll probably have to re-encode the movie.

Good Luck