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View Full Version : Emule Problem Loading Hash

01-03-2004, 09:46 AM
When I open emule + I keep getting the message below. How can I correct this? I have heard that you can open your emule folder in overnet to speed up your dl's using their network. Does this work and is it faster?
1/3/2004 2:38:51 AM: Found 1 known shared files
1/3/2004 2:38:51 AM: Creditfile loaded, 50 clients are known
1/3/2004 2:38:53 AM: Disconnected
1/3/2004 2:38:57 AM: Found 67 servers in server.met
1/3/2004 2:38:58 AM: Loaded hashset is corrupt! File: 007.part.met
1/3/2004 2:38:59 AM: Error: 007.part.met () is corrupted, unable to load file
1/3/2004 2:38:59 AM: Loaded hashset is corrupt! File: 001.part.met
1/3/2004 2:38:59 AM: Error: 001.part.met () is corrupted, unable to load file
1/3/2004 2:38:59 AM: Loaded hashset is corrupt! File: 008.part.met
1/3/2004 2:38:59 AM: Error: 008.part.met () is corrupted, unable to load file
1/3/2004 2:38:59 AM: Loaded hashset is corrupt! File: 006.part.met
1/3/2004 2:38:59 AM: Error: 006.part.met () is corrupted, unable to load file
1/3/2004 2:38:59 AM: Loaded hashset is corrupt! File: 005.part.met
1/3/2004 2:38:59 AM: Error: 005.part.met () is corrupted, unable to load file
1/3/2004 2:38:59 AM: Loaded hashset is corrupt! File: 003.part.met
1/3/2004 2:38:59 AM: Error: 003.part.met () is corrupted, unable to load file
1/3/2004 2:39:00 AM: Loaded hashset is corrupt! File: 004.part.met
1/3/2004 2:39:00 AM: Error: 004.part.met () is corrupted, unable to load file
1/3/2004 2:39:02 AM: Found 12 part files
1/3/2004 2:39:02 AM: eMule Plus Version 1i ready
1/3/2004 2:39:02 AM: SSE optimizations active
1/3/2004 2:40:07 AM: Connecting

01-03-2004, 10:44 AM
Try metmedic: http://www.crackman.soft-ware.de/

01-03-2004, 11:53 AM
To open emule folder on overnet just make your temporary directory the same one u had on emule. Im not sure if its faster since i dont use emule...

01-03-2004, 11:55 AM
He&#39;s talking about eMulePlus. <_<

01-04-2004, 12:52 PM
In addition to Arathorn&#39;s advice, take a quick look at the files. I&#39;ve cancelled a dl or two in the past that wasn&#39;t completely removed from my temp folder. Just delete the files manually if this is the case.

01-04-2004, 08:23 PM
How do you use metmedic? Ive dl it and it just shows up as a link such as internet explorer. I have tried to use shareaz with my part files also and it comes up the same. Overnet seems to be a slow network as I have been having it run 24/7 for 4 days and only achieved speeds of dl 28k at max when I have a 256kb connection. It has only finished one file so far. P4 1.6 Gig CPU, No Firewall, 38.1 Gig HD, Im getting a 200 Gig tomorrow.

Shareaz:Starting eDonkey2000 partial download import process...
Scanning folder: "C:&#092;Program Files&#092;eMule&#092;temp"...
Found partial file "007", importing...
Unable to import file.
Found partial file "001", importing...
Unable to import file.
Found partial file "008", importing...
Unable to import file.
Found partial file "006", importing...
Unable to import file.
Found partial file "002", importing...
Unable to import file.
Found partial file "003", importing...
Unable to import file.
Found partial file "004", importing...
Unable to import file.
Found partial file "009", importing...
Unable to import file.
Found partial file "010", importing...
Unable to import file.
Found partial file "011", importing...
Unable to import file.
Found partial file "012", importing...
Unable to import file.
Found partial file "013", importing...
Unable to import file.
Found partial file "014", importing...
Unable to import file.
Found partial file "015", importing...
Unable to import file.
Found partial file "016", importing...
Unable to import file.
Found partial file "017", importing...
Unable to import file.
Found partial file "018", importing...
Unable to import file.
Found partial file "019", importing...
Unable to import file.
Process complete, 0 partial downloads imported successfully.

01-04-2004, 11:08 PM
I don&#39;t know how to use it, I never needed to use it. B)
I agree the site isn&#39;t really helpfull for new users. Just click all the options in the program and check their responses, and check if the program has a help function.

The program failed to initialize on my machine, so I can&#39;t help you with it I&#39;m afraid.