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View Full Version : Some Bittorrent

01-04-2004, 12:43 AM
hi ppl, i am tired of all the damn fake files on k-lite :angry: :angry: and I want to switch to bittorrent for big files s they are not corrupt or fake. plz answr these questions as I am a n00b thx peeps ;)

1. Can you get corrupt files from bittorrent?

2. if I am a bittorrent n00b, is it still okay to use shadow's client and I will understand how it works or should i use a simpler one?

3. what kind of speeds can I get with dsl?

4. how can I upload more to get faster speeds?

5. any other useful info

thx ppl :lol:

01-04-2004, 12:48 AM
some bittorrent answers (http://www.dessent.net/btfaq/)

3.as fast as you can download on some occasions
4.look for the tips on faster speeds post in the bittorent section
5. please read the faq

01-04-2004, 12:55 AM
1 ) yes you can, although very unlikely as it is pretty good at hash-checking segments. But if the file's corrupt to start with, or contains a virus or trojan........ (as torrents are short lived, there's not often any verification or comments on the torrents to judge from. More likely sometimes you'll download somebody's poor-quality release because of this. But yes, virus-check everything you get from torrents (as you should for everything)

2 ) Shadows client can be used just the same as the bitconjurer.org - it just has more buttons when you're ready to start playing with them and are sure what they do

3 ) Depends on the peer/seed ratio, and in some cases whether the tracker is stable. BitTorrent starts off slow, your download speed increases as your upload speed increases. Therefore, when you haven't downloaded any segments, you arent sharing so you're "low priority". As you get more of the file, you are uploading to other peers more - the more you get, the more other people want, and you gain "higher priority" (to put it in as simple terms as possible)

4 ) You'll upload more as you get more, as explained above - so your download speed will increase naturally. If you're downloading just one thing at a time, then you neednt really worry too much about that - if you have a few torrents open, then judicious use of the controls on shadows client can help....theres a FAQ for it somewhere I forget where though, sorry

5 ) Erm....yeah, leave the window open when you're done and keep sharing! :beerchug:

01-04-2004, 01:16 AM
thx :D

01-04-2004, 01:25 AM
oh yeah, and is it true that bittorrent make your computer laggy, or shuts it down automatically or sumthing like that? :blink:

01-04-2004, 01:58 AM
It can eat RAM especially if you have more than one torrent window open. Depends on your system specs really

if it shuts down then it's probably the result of the RAM strain causing an error, if your windows settings are to shut down on error

01-04-2004, 02:25 AM
my specs:

1. 20 gb hd

2. windows me

3. 127 megs of ram

4. hp comp

5. intel celeron processor

am I o.k?

01-04-2004, 02:37 AM
you should be.....maybe try to do your downloading when you're not using the PC for other RAM-intensive things.

F.I. Leaving it downloading @ night, or during the day when you're out - whichever suits you best.

But if you're getting into using BitTorrent you might want to upgrade that Hard Drive space sometime soon :D

01-04-2004, 02:40 AM
yea, i know <_< , im only going for 500 mb size files max ne way

01-04-2004, 02:43 AM
People get disconnected cause they are connected to too many peers. Keep it at 30 and you should be fine. You can select this using shadow&#39;s or azureus clients.