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View Full Version : P2p Specific Firewall

02-26-2003, 12:33 PM
There's been a lot of talk in here about the RIAA and others tracking people down who are breaking copywrite laws, by using the Kazaa network against us. There's a piece of software that I've being using for awhile now called 'PeerGuardian' which claimes to block the IP address ranges used by these unfriendly organisations and it's free. You can find many links to pages that have it by doing a search in Google or by click on the link at the bottom of this thread. It must be said that this is only an alpha release and yes it's not perfect as it can block innocent users, so I'm going to have to leave it down to yourselves whether or not you want to use it, I for one am using as I feel some protect is better than nothing. This is what they're saying in their advert for it:-

Original posted by 'Method' on Zeropaid.com
"A new P2P specific firewall is under development. Currently under the working title of "PeerGuardian" it blocks out Ranger, OverPeer, TCPBay, MediaForce, MediaDefender, RIAA, MPAA, etc. by default. It also allows the adding of new IP blocking ranges and manual closure of connections used by other applications. Still early days for the project but it's a step in the right direction and should work for most TCP/IP applications. The project will also be working alongside a spoof-scanning project designed to identify FastTrack polluters. Alpha release is currently available..."

Peer Guardian download site (http://methlabs.org/pg/download.htm)

The 'v1.2 alpha RR' seems to point to a dead link but the other link works fine.

02-26-2003, 12:43 PM
Why are you posting this topic THREE times; in Tips, Filesharing AND Guestroom? :blink:

02-26-2003, 12:46 PM
I may be slow-brained but I don't understand how a firewall could only block riaa and their mates as all this organisation can access the web using several tools, severals computer etc...does it have something to see with their ip adress?

The Legend
02-26-2003, 12:53 PM
Anything specific to users outside of the US?

02-26-2003, 12:59 PM
I have to say it, hit the search button and have a look for peerguardian. We've talked about it in the past as well :)

@Galadriel: Yes, only the ip's (ie. ip ranges) which belongs to the p2p-enemies are banned in this pseudo firewall. Just have a look at it and you'll see =)

02-26-2003, 01:08 PM
Originally posted by Bender@26 February 2003 - 13:43
Why are you posting this topic THREE times; in Tips, Filesharing AND Guestroom? :blink:
Because in all three rooms I've seen similar questions asked about the RIAA spying on us. I just thought more people would read it and it'd help stop n00b's posting repeat questions. Anyway why have you asked this question all three times? :blink:

02-26-2003, 02:22 PM
the problem with peergaudian is that the ip's must be entered one at a time when u add new ones, i prefer stygate personal firewall pro, u can simply import the rules, these rules look at the ip adress of someone connecting to your pc, if they match it says they cant connect and blocks them from your pc, this means simply, no RIAA etc ever connecting to u, they cant get your ip and they cant do jack to u cos they cannot connect to say u have the file/s. complete safety

02-26-2003, 03:14 PM
You can edit the textfile by yourself, besides, peerguardian is free and small. Since I am behind a NAT I don't deem it necessary to use another sw firewall and prefer peerguardian a lot. Beside, peerguardian is free (whoho, who gives a damn, right ? ;) )

02-27-2003, 10:36 AM
ok I understand but are they obliged to use their own registrated ip in order to try to scan our files?

02-27-2003, 10:43 AM
I am sure there are about as many laws on this as there are countries. So, I dunno. But peerguardian makes sure at least those known ip can't access your 'pewter.

Looking at dc f.ex, a lot of bots have started to surface which originates from these IP's. Many hubs have rules, f.ex. if you work for one of the p2p-enemies, you are not allowed to enter the hub. That means, if they do and get information that way, the information may be valid, but has been obtained in an illegal way, hence have no real value. Would be nice if such rules could be put forth upn connecting to a specific super node ;)

02-27-2003, 11:16 AM
I have been using peer guardian since method first released it and its worth having it and i use it all the time...think that too many people are over paranoid about the RIAA.This is what they want,to install fear into the users....As for individual countries having different laws this is true...I'm in UK and they cant access your shared folder without your permission(anti privacy laws),so this favours us!! :D
The RIAA and others apparntly use companies to look for and take screen shots of stuff they want to prosecute for...so although using peer guardian will block known IP's...it isnt the only solution,but its one to try as nothing ventured,nothing gained. ;)