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View Full Version : Connection To Peers...forever(noob)

01-06-2004, 03:10 AM
I'm new to bittorrent. I have installed ABC(another bittorrent client), and I clicked on flight simulator 2004 on supernova. Now for the past 45 minutes the message has been "connecting to peers"... and nothing else is happenning!?!?

Is this what is supposed to happen? Is there a way I can speed this up?

:helpsmile: :helpsmile:

01-06-2004, 03:14 AM
OH, and I just noticed that there was an error message:

"21:11 -problem connecting to tracker- <urlopen error (10061, &#39;connection refused&#39;)>

what does this mean? how do I fix it?

01-06-2004, 03:27 AM
well without the error, it means there are no seeders online with that file, do you have a firewall? with one you might not be able to connect unless you open some ports (search wich ones to disable cause i dunno

01-06-2004, 03:28 AM
Originally posted by openfire@6 January 2004 - 03:14
OH, and I just noticed that there was an error message:

"21:11 -problem connecting to tracker- <urlopen error (10061, &#39;connection refused&#39;)>

what does this mean? how do I fix it?
you cant, bittorent relies on trackers which are basicly computer servers if they go down the torrents they track also go down, they usally come back after there fixed but you&#39;ll have to wait ;)

01-06-2004, 03:35 AM
OK now its connected but now its saying dl speed like 0.7 and upload speed like 15... what am I uploading? and why is my download speed less than on tenth of my upload speed?

silent h3ro
01-07-2004, 02:26 AM
Originally posted by openfire@6 January 2004 - 03:35
OK now its connected but now its saying dl speed like 0.7 and upload speed like 15... what am I uploading? and why is my download speed less than on tenth of my upload speed?
That happens to me. I think its a NAT problem but I don&#39;t know how to fix it

01-07-2004, 02:31 AM
Originally posted by openfire@6 January 2004 - 03:35
OK now its connected but now its saying dl speed like 0.7 and upload speed like 15... what am I uploading? and why is my download speed less than on tenth of my upload speed?
Your uploading parts of the file as bittorent is a partial file sharing system, i would set the upload to about 9 - 10kb in the upload settings as allowing bittorent to use all your upload bandwidth will affect your download.

01-07-2004, 02:32 AM
Also if your behind a router you&#39;ll need to forward ports 6881 - 6889.

Xero Grid
01-07-2004, 07:32 AM
I wouldn&#39;t change the upload speed, but tat&#39;s because I can spare the bandwidth. If you have a good connection, the speed should pick up soon, but it depends on many factors.

The reason I wouldn&#39;t change the upload speed is because Bit torrent has a proportional download/upload speed. The more you upload, the more you download.

Torrent basically breaks files up into many little pieces and what you are downloading any piece you can get, and that&#39;s what you are uploading to others, thus Bit Torrent is a file swarming program rather than a file swapping program.

Hmmm... I&#39;m behind a NAT and Router and I haven&#39;t had any problems....

-- Xero Grid --