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View Full Version : All My Downloads R Really Slow...what Should I Do?

01-14-2004, 10:36 AM
Does anyone know what I could do to speed the downloads up? :helpsmile:

01-14-2004, 10:51 AM
1. try changing ports (Options > Kazaa Options... > Firewall)

2. don't share too many files (around 100-200 is ok)

3. finish downloading all files (if you want), close kazaa, and delete all the .dat files in your shared folder

4. right click the download then click 'Find More Sources'

01-14-2004, 10:57 AM
Thanks but nothing seems to be working.

01-14-2004, 09:36 PM
your download speed depends on the # of sources for it and their upload speed, and don't be fooled by what you see in the search window they are not an indication of who is available for connection so change supernodes to see if you get lucky, also use localized supernodes, also try changing ports, and lower your upload bandwidth,remove the no ip sources from your dat files and see if it helps

01-14-2004, 09:42 PM
What speed DSL do you have, and you say all your downloads are 5 K but is that just on 1 download, and if so how many downloads do you have running and what is total download speed.

01-15-2004, 12:21 AM
How do you lower your upload bandwith?

01-15-2004, 12:26 AM
Originally posted by 2_cool_4_u@14 January 2004 - 19:21
How do you lower your upload bandwith?
Best/Easiest way is to just run the KL++ Installation Wizard and set upload bandwidth that way.

The OTHER way is to click on KL++ Tools, Advanced, and change the bandwidth used to send files to other users to either 24,32,64,128,256,512,etc. NOTE: those numbers are in kilobits/sec -- it takes 8 kilobits/sec to equal 1 KiloBYTE/sec (KB/sec)!

So 64 kilobits/sec is only 8 KB/sec!
MOST broadband connections only have 256 kilobits/sec (32 KB/sec) upload bandwidth TOTAL -- not all of which can be devoted to uploading files in KL++ or there will be slowdowns on downloads and web browsing.

01-15-2004, 12:31 AM
Mine was 8192 is that bad? Also how do I know what speed my dsl is?

01-15-2004, 01:01 AM
You can call your ISP and ask what the upload cap is for their service. You can do a google search for bandwidth tester and run those. You can look in KaZaa and add up the total amount of speed being used by your uploads. Of these three methods, either of the first 2 should give you a fairly accurate idea of what your upload cap is. If you decide to try the online bandwidth testers, make sure you have all internet applications shut down for more accurate results (i.e. don't be running KaZaa or other P2P apps or internet games). Totalling the uploads in KaZaa will probably give you a lower result.

8192kb/sec is probably a bad setting for your connection. 8192kb/sec works out to be 124KB/sec. Unless you have a high-end DSL subscription, odds are there is no way you can upload at 124KB/sec and this is what is slowing down your downloads. Try dropping this setting down to 128kb/sec (16KB/sec) and see if that helps speed up your downloads.

Finally, if you are using a broadband router to split your ISP connection between a few different computers in your home, you will have to configure your router to forward the ports that KaZaa uses (found under the Options on the Firewall tab) and install KaNat and run that while KaZaa is running. There are several threads lurking around this forum that talk about port forwarding and KaNat if you need to investigate further.

01-15-2004, 01:18 AM
I did a test and I got this

200.3 kilobits per second

Communications 200.3 kilobits per second
Storage 24.4 kilobytes per second
1MB file download 41.9 seconds
Subjective rating Mediocre

01-15-2004, 01:35 AM
200kilobits/sec equals 25KB/sec. If this is your upload rate, then you need to put the setting in KaZaa to something like 128 kilobits per second to get decent download rates (if you are not downloading, raise this rate to 256 to make sure you are using all your upload bandwidth to share to other people). But from the results you posted, it says it took you 41seconds to downlaod a 1MB file which leads me to believe that this test you ran measured your Download speed and not your Upload. If this is the case, your download rate blows for a DSL. Did you shut down all P2P apps and stuff before you ran the test? The only program you should be running when you do these online tests is your web browser.

01-15-2004, 01:41 AM
I had msn and msn explorer running. So is my downloads just going to be slow all the time or is there something I can do?

01-15-2004, 01:46 AM
It looks to me that your downloads are just going to be low (25KB/sec max). I would call your ISP and find out exactly what the upload and download rates are for your service. This will tell you FOR SURE what speeds to expect.

01-15-2004, 01:48 AM
But you see I want mine to go at at least 10kb/s all mine at the moment are going at 1.00kb/s so what is worng?

01-15-2004, 01:53 AM
Call you ISP and get the max Upload/Download rates for your service and we can make sure you are getting the most out of KaZaa. Are you using a router to share your internet connection between a couple computers in your home? How many downloads are you running at the same time? How many uploads are you running at the same time? This is all important information we need to help you out.

01-15-2004, 01:58 AM
Well we have 2 computers that are conected to the modem and or dsl is meant to be only 8x dial up speed. Limits 10 downloads and 5 uploads.

01-15-2004, 02:06 AM
OK, based on that information, limit your total uploads to be ONE at a time. The more total uploads you have the more overhead in bandwidth it is going to take to keep things running smoothly. Limit yourself to downloading ONE file at a time. Since it seems that you are only going to get a MAX download rate of 25KB/sec then running only one download at a time will help you get closer to that MAX amount. Set the option in KaZaa that you originally had at 8192 kilobits to 128 kilobits.

One more thing, in the KaZaa options on the Filter Tab, uncheck the box that says "Filter content I cannot download due to firewalls" then run a search on a popular file and see if you get red X's in your search results. If you see red X's, you are most likely running a router and will need to do some more tweaking to get KaZaa running smoothly. If you see no red X's then you are good to go.

01-15-2004, 02:09 AM
So you are saying that if I only have only thing downloading it will go faster? So I have about 10 thing in the middle of downloading at the moment what should I do?

01-15-2004, 02:11 AM
OK i did that thing to see if there are any red crosses and there were heaps so what do i do?

01-15-2004, 02:15 AM
Pause 7 or 8 of them until the rest finish downloading then resume them as more finish.

If you can only download at a MAX of 25KB/sec due to your ISP, if you download 1 file at a time you will get close to that 25KB/sec. If you download 2 files at a time you will get close to 12.5KB/sec for each. If you download 5 files at a time you will get close to 5KB/sec for each. If you download 10 files at a time you will get close to 2.5KB/sec for each. See how that works?

01-15-2004, 02:20 AM
Oh ok thanks i will try that and see if it works

01-15-2004, 02:23 AM
I have paused everything except 2 downloads....one is still connecting and the other is going at 8kb/s :o Thanks so much :D at least it is going faster then 0.__kb/s :) :D :) :D

01-15-2004, 02:24 AM
OK, about the red X's in your search results. This is tricky. You are most likely using a router to share your ISP between multiple computers at your home. KaZaa doesn't like routers at all. What you need to do is read in your router manual about forwarding ports and forward the port that KaZaa uses. You can find out what this port is in the KaZaa Options menu on the Firewall tab. Once you have that port forwarded in your router configuration, you will have to download and run KaNat. KaNat is a program that overcomes KaZaa's hatred of routers and will clear up all those red X's in your search results. Each of those search results with a red X in it are people that are sharing the file but you can't connect to them because of the way your internet connection is configured. You can find out more information about KaNat and port forwarding at this web page:


There are also several threads in these forums that talk about configuring your router to do port forwarding. Look around and read up on the subject.

01-15-2004, 02:25 AM
If someone is uploading and it is going at 5kb/s is that good for me or bad?

01-15-2004, 02:28 AM
Does that KaNAT make the downloads faster? Because I am counfused by what it does. btw the download is only going at 3kb now

01-15-2004, 02:39 AM
I can't really say if it is good or bad about the upload unless I know how your ISP has your connection configured. In general, 1 upload at 5KB/sec isn't going to slow you down all that much.

About KaNAT...This program is essential if you have a router. All those red X's in your search results are people that have the file you are looking for but you can't connect to them to download because of the way your internet connection is configured. KaNAT and configuring your router to forward the port KaZaa uses help to get rid of those red X's and let you connect to those people. Once you have your connection configured properly, all those red X's disappear and you will be able to download from all those. What this means is that you will have more potential people to get the file from and your downloads have a better chance of going faster.

01-15-2004, 02:45 AM
So do I just download KaNAT and thats it or do I have to do something more with it?

01-15-2004, 03:04 AM
Reading Comprehension is your FRIEND! You have to configure your router to forward the port KaZaa uses AND use KaNAT.

01-15-2004, 01:55 PM
If you see red X's in KL++ searches, then you ARE firewalled! Being firewalled means you cannot download from anyone else who is also firewalled! And that's practically EVERYONE on broadband connections who has a router.

KaNAT works with routers by tricking Kazaa/KL++ into thinking the router isn't there. However, in order to get it to work you have to have a fixed LAN ip address for your computer AND have the router port-forward KL++'s used ip port to that ip address AND run KaNAT so it can constantly replace LAN ip with WAN ip.

You may also need to disable/reconfigure any firewall programs (even the firewall built-into Win XP) or you'll STILL be firewalled in KL++ if you have a firewall program running.