View Full Version : Iowa Caucase.

01-20-2004, 04:14 AM
Gephardt is dropping out. Seeing as he only got 9 percent in a state he had to win, it makes sense.

here are the results last time i turned on the tv.

kerry 38%
Edwards 32%
dean 18%
gephardt 9%

only a couple weeks ago dean and gephardt were neck and neck for the lead and way ahead.. but those polls are bullshit. they poll 1001 people, how is that reliable.

anyway, although i like dean more (KUCINICH is the best though) id feel more comfortable haveing either wesley clark (he didnt enter the iowa caucas) or john kerry running against bush because they both have decorated military histories and can bash bush on pretty much everything without putting themselves in a susceptable position.

01-20-2004, 06:30 AM
i'd like --just once-- for California to go first in the primary election, and Iowa & New Hampshire go last, and see how the election turns out. :lol:

01-20-2004, 08:10 AM
lol jenna jameson would win the election!