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01-21-2004, 06:31 PM
I am doing some work that i dont wanna do so can you all help me

i need to know the the flowwing for each of the flowing OS

WIn 98 win 95 and win 2000

Pros and cons of each

FIle system of each

Minimal ram for installation

CPU req.


ANY HELP WILL BE GREATFULLY TAKEN :helpsmile: :helpsmile:

Mad Cat
01-21-2004, 06:47 PM
Try Softwareworld.

XP is probably best too, if you're not looking for anything suited for one area.

01-22-2004, 01:53 AM
i know the file systems so here is part of the question answered

win95: earlier it used the fat filesystem but in later versions started to support fat32.

win98: uses fat32 by default on installation but upgrading from win95 you will still be using fat.

win2000: uses fat32 or ntfs.

01-22-2004, 02:34 AM
Any proc you can get will run Win9x. My test rig uses a P2-300 w/Win98 SE with no probs. The minimum ram for 9x should be 128 despite MS's claims. Double the MS recomdations. The lie.....uhhh.......bend.....uhhhh......they understate...yeah, that's the ticket! They understate the requirements.

Do not go over 512Mbz ram in 9x or they'll get screwy fast. I reccomend 256mbz for 9x or 2000. For xp, 256 is minimum, 512 is good. The more the merrier. My play pretty runs 2 Gigs. ( :( Wish I had madcats rig ;) ) Personally, I prefer XP Pro using NTFS for security.

NOTE: Win95 updates sucka$$. you gotta be careful and install them in order. 98 updates are easy. Give up on driver updates using 9x. I only get one for my MS Intellimouse. Nothing else. At any rate, get your drivers from the vendors site always.

Damnit...I forgot 2 minor thingys. 1: Win95 doesn't support USB. That's a biggie in todays systems. 2: Remember --> Win98, 98SE, and that bastard child ME are only upgrades on Win95.

That's it, no more edits!! I hope..... :blink:

01-22-2004, 02:40 AM
just dug out my win98 manuel, came with my old computer, says minimum is 486dx, 66mhz...and 16mb of ram....i dont see any computer running on 16mb of ram lol.

windows 2000 is probably either 32mb or 64mb minimum.

01-22-2004, 03:06 AM
Egad!! They claim Win98 will run on 16Mbs of ram?!? Ooookkkkk. Sigh, it will, but not to well. 128! A 486DX2/66? Hell, that proc's a collectors item :lol: Ms would claim it would run on a pocket calculator if they knew they wouldn't get sued for false advertising!

01-22-2004, 03:26 AM
Originally posted by longboneslinger@21 January 2004 - 22:06
A 486DX2/66? Hell, that proc's a collectors item :lol:
LOL so true me and my friend found an old computer a few months ago and it had a 486 and this really wierd looking ram

anyways i wanted to know what the core of a processor looked like, and since the processor is so old i smashed it on the ground but it wasnt to interesting.