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01-25-2004, 12:22 AM
What are sources? :( :helpsmile:

01-25-2004, 02:06 AM
emmmm :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

01-25-2004, 02:30 AM
Main Entry: 1source
Pronunciation: 'sOrs, 'sors
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English sours, from Middle French sors, sourse, from Old French, from past participle of sourdre to rise, spring forth, from Latin surgere -- more at SURGE
Date: 14th century
1 a : a generative force : CAUSE b (1) : a point of origin or procurement : BEGINNING (2) : one that initiates : AUTHOR; also : PROTOTYPE, MODEL (3) : one that supplies information
2 a : the point of origin of a stream of water : FOUNTAINHEAD b archaic : SPRING, FOUNT
3 : a firsthand document or primary reference work
4 : an electrode in a field-effect transistor that supplies the charge carriers for current flow -- compare DRAIN, GATE
synonym see ORIGIN
- source·less /-l&s/ adjective

01-25-2004, 02:43 AM
roflmao :lol: http://www.the-web-matrix.de/images/smilies/108.gifhttp://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/r/sgrin.gif

01-25-2004, 02:45 AM
Originally posted by MUSLEMAN@24 January 2004 - 19:43
roflmao  :lol: http://www.the-web-matrix.de/images/smilies/108.gifhttp://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/r/sgrin.gif
glad you liked that mm :lol:

but anyways....back to the point.....a source is any user you are downloading a file from (assuming that you are talking about sources in kazaa lite).

01-25-2004, 03:50 AM
Yeah, Kazaa Lite's term. TY for the info. So in order to have more sources is to have other users downloading the same file?

What if the source has an older Kazaa version, not logged in, or uninstall Kazaa? It gets Queued, or Remotely Queued? Or what?

01-25-2004, 03:58 AM
Yeah, Kazaa Lite's term.  TY for the info.  So in order to have more sources is to have other users downloading the same file?to have more sources, other users must have the same file, it must be complete, and it must be in their shared folder. you can go to the search window and search for the file again to help it find more sources.

What if the source has an older Kazaa version, not logged in, or uninstall Kazaa?  It gets Queued, or Remotely Queued?  Or what?i dont think the version any user is using really makes a difference. if they are not connected or uninstall kazaa, you will not be able to download from them.

Queued=paused locally (your kazaa lite has paused the file because of the limit of simultaneous downloads. you change the number of downloads you can have going at a time in the traffic tab in options).

Remotetly Queued=paused remotely (the users that have the file you are trying to download already have people downloading from them. youll have to wait for an upload slot to open on their end to download the file, or you can search again and select different sources to download from).

01-25-2004, 06:09 AM
lol i thought he was joking this whole time :lol: :lol: