View Full Version : What Happens If...

01-25-2004, 01:38 AM
Turn ON leaf to hub link compression, under options>>Networks>>Gnutella>>link compression?
Turn ON only accept hub connections, under options>>Networks>>Gnutella>>Hub election>>Allow this hub to become a leaf?
Turn OFF allow this node to become a a hub, under options>>Networks>>Gnutella>>Hub election>>allow this hub to become a hub?

If the answers are in a FAQ, forum or webpage, please link me to it and I will be gratefully pleased.

01-26-2004, 06:57 PM
1. You'll get a little less outbound traffic, by lowering the overhead. Which is good.
2. You'll become a hub, which is basicly a supernode. If you don't want Shareaza to generate a lot of traffic, leave it off. (there's no real advantage in being a hub, but the network needs them)
3. Turn on allow this node to become a leaf, or you'll be a hub automatically.
4. If you turn on allow this node to be a hub, and allow this hub to be a leaf, shareaza will automatically choose which one is needed more on the network...

allow hub + allow leaf = Shareaza makes choice for you
allow hub + force hub = you'll be a hub
allow hub + force hub + allow leaf = you'll be a hub
allow leaf + force leaf = you'll be a leaf
allow leaf + force leaf + allow hub = you'll be a leaf
allow leaf + force leaf + allow hub + force hub = doesn't make any sense, i don't know what raza does in that case...

You'll probably want to choose being a leaf...
here's a link to the FAQ:
Link (http://webpages.charter.net/kevogod/help/)

01-26-2004, 07:09 PM
Thnx alot man for help :D