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View Full Version : The English F.a. Cup

The Horror fanatic
01-27-2004, 07:47 PM
As many from U.K will now February 14th(Valentines day) and the 15th will be the F.A. Cup 5th round. Being a Liverpool fan i hope my team can win it. Though being from sheffield( home of the mighty blades, Sheff utd) i will have a big eye on my second team as well. Below is of course the draw with 3 non premier teams guaranteed to be in those quarter finals

Man utd vs Man city/Tottenham
Tranmere vs Swansea
Telford/Millwall vs Burnley
Sunderland vs Birmingham
Sheff utd(my 2nd team) vs Coventry/Colchester
Arsenal vs Chelsea
Liverpool(My team) vs Portsmouth
Everton/Fulham vs West Ham

Of course i hope my team win it, but a strange feeling i get is that the Man utd might just end arsenal's dominance. WHAT YOU THINK?

01-27-2004, 07:58 PM
Do you not think it is suspect that all the premiership clubs have been drawn together? <_<

I&#39;d personally like Chelsea to win the FA cup, not because I support them but you know we all hate the Arsenal and Man U :lol: :lol:

The Horror fanatic
01-27-2004, 11:01 PM
well it is a little fishy because in a practice draw liverpool drew man utd, and arsenal got birmingham. It is maybe so that the final will see one of the big three in it. But the final for me would be great if arsenal and man utd were not in it, everyone is sick of the arsenal getting to the final, so come you blues of chelsea i say

01-27-2004, 11:01 PM
Not Newcastle... :(

01-27-2004, 11:03 PM
Celtic.... well maybe next year :lol:

The Horror fanatic
01-27-2004, 11:04 PM
i think celtic will clean up in scotland and i follow rangers up there

The Horror fanatic
01-27-2004, 11:52 PM
Plus i must add, Arsenal have won the last 2 and each time beat Chelsea on route to do itt, so could it be 3rdd time lucky for the blues, i sure hope so. My mate is an Arsenal and Sheff utd fan, and would swap the cup for the title any day. That and the champions league he says. But i will stay with what i predicted, all the big three will win something, but i have got Chelsea down for the champions league, arsenal for the title, and Man utd for the cup.

01-27-2004, 11:53 PM
Call me biased but I&#39;d love to see the Hotspur to take the cup away from the "big 3"
I cant see it happening with us drawing Man U (assuming we beat city) but if we&#39;re on form, anything could happen.

The Horror fanatic
01-28-2004, 12:00 AM
If any team knock out united i will celebrate. Lets face it, when my team were great in the past, it was because of pride and a little of arrogance. Man united are always in the news, linked with everyone in the world, and don&#39;t the english media realise, we just don&#39;t care about Man utd, or what Beckham is doing. There was none of that when Liverpool were high and mighty in the late 70s and early 80s.
The F.A. Premiership is now virtually run by those 3 top clubs. They are all always in the news, and just llok at what happened to Scarborough, no wonder their chairman and manager are furious. The plain fact is SCARBOROUGH were SCREWED over by a referee who totally bottled it because he was scared of chelsea to give the penalty.

01-28-2004, 12:09 AM
That&#39;s what really narks me about footy nowdays. Its all about the money at the top.
Example at hand, Scarborough. How much do you think the team makes as a business? Sweet FA. Why do they continue to play? For the love of the beautiful game.
Football in this country is turning to shit, its all about wealth. Instead of investing in "home talent" most clubs (inculding my THFC) will opt for the quick fix of buying abroad. Where will that leave us internationally in the future?

The Horror fanatic
01-28-2004, 12:12 AM
yes i agree with you. As far as i go, i would say bring in a say, no more than 6 non u.k players rule, and then we will see just how good the top 3 are.

01-28-2004, 12:21 AM
But then we would be accused of being racist. And lets be honest, UEFA and FIFA are just waiting for us to slip up somewhere so they can throw the proverbial book at us. Its all down to the bad name English football got during the 70&#39; and early 80&#39;s. England, as a country, will never be forgiven for the mindless (scum) minority that used football and team loyalty as an excuse to ruck.

The Horror fanatic
01-28-2004, 12:35 AM
yes they probably would. but if that rule was for every country or nation how would it be deemed racist. It is just to stop the english game dying of natural talent. Let&#39;s face it, whoi have we really got for england. At best this would be my eleven for england

1. David james (Man city)
2. Gary Neville (man utd) (man do i not like him)
3. Ashley cole (arsenal) (even though i hate the guy)
4. Gareth Southgate (middlesborough)
5. Rio Ferdinand (man Utd) (when he back off his ban)
6. Steven Gerrard (Liverpool)
7. Joe Cole (Chelsea)
8. Paul Scholes (Man united) (the true star of Man utd after Roy keane, forget Van nistelrooy)
9. Michael Owen (liverpool) (the saviour of liverpool, where would be without him ?)
10. James Beattie (southampton) (should leave southampton while he can, will be much better at another team. He lacks the service there)
11. David Beckham (Real Madrid) (okay we get fed up off hearing about him, but on his day he can unlock any defence, and score that vital goal)

subs would probably be

12. Paul robinson
13. phillip neville
14. Jmaie Carragher
15. Darius Vassell
16. Emile heskey
17. Kevin phillips
18. wes brown
19. scott parker

01-28-2004, 12:48 AM
when are you lot going to realise ARSENAL are going to clean up on the domestic competitions maybe get the champions league aswell

The Horror fanatic
01-28-2004, 12:58 AM
The only way arsenal will clean up is if they get rid off their stupid players with attitudes, take ashley cole, someone other day bumped into him and he almost flattened the guy with a push back. Let face it the guy is talented but why does he always have to act like an arse at times. Of course they need the HENRY to be playing. If they fail at midddlesborough tomorrow, it will be because HENRY was not in the team.
Yes we all remember back at old trafford, i believe there was quite a few arses out there after Van Nistelrooy missed that penalty. If the Arsenal got rid off their bad discipline, (and do not blame the referees) then maybe they would clean up this season. The fact is that will always deny them the title or the champions league.

01-28-2004, 01:13 AM
arsenal are getting better with the disciplin . we have already proved that we do not have to have henry playing to win games . and with our new signing we can rest henry as much as we need to

The Horror fanatic
01-28-2004, 01:18 AM
yes i have noticed so with arsenal, but he nearly let it go in the middlesborough game at weekend. If they kept their heads my mate says they would clean up, but that disciplinary record worries them. And it a shame really because with Henry, Vierra, Pires, and Bergkamp all on form, there is no team to touch them. The problem is it rare you see all four in the same team.