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View Full Version : Fruit Machines?

The Horror fanatic
01-28-2004, 12:52 AM
Regularly once a week i wuld spend up to a fiver on the fruit machines. But now i have found FRUIT.EMU.COM i can play them on my pc now and it is great. Of course you need the emulators to do so, but now i save that fiver and play them on my pc now. Just wondered if anyone else on here knew of the site which also got it's own forum.

01-28-2004, 01:10 AM
I used to play the old fruitys a few years back and they fucked me up big time.
All my hard earned cash went on em. My biggest blowout was £460 in a day. I left the Carosel (arcade) with £17. Most of my wages went on feeding those fuckin machines and to last the rest of the month out I used my credit cards to see me through. After maxing out both my cards (over 4k) I got a loan for 2 grand, just to see me through, I promised myself I'd quit em after that. A week later I was back on em and having to pay out my cards and loan as well as supporting my habit. I started to struggle for cash so I got another loan, 3 grand this time (my credit rating was so good after the 2 cards and the other loan) and guess where a majority of that 3k went.
A few months after I met my girlfriend and she sorted me out. I convinced my mother to take out a 14k loan for me to consolidate my debts and put me on the straight.
I still owe a lot of money and have since taken on the responsibility of 2 kids and its fuckin hard. Although I never go short the worry is always there in the back of my mind.


All right I got screwed but others may not, so I suppose what I really mean is:

Oh, and stick to emulators ;)

The Horror fanatic
01-28-2004, 01:15 AM
what you think i doing now. and think about it. if it addictive with the real thing, just think how addictive it could be with loads of them with emulators on your pc. the site alone got over 100.

01-28-2004, 02:07 AM
Yeah but its like the difference between scoring a goal playing FIFA 2004 and scoring a goal having a kickabout.
Nothing cpompares to the buzz of real life!
I'm glad you dont stick your cash in the fruitys anymore they can fuck you up ;)

01-28-2004, 02:18 AM
Yeah they can get addictive when your bored, i wasted a pile of money on them, but no more there just a waste, the only people winning are the owners ;)

01-28-2004, 02:25 AM
:huh: Fruit Machines? :huh:

01-28-2004, 02:33 AM
I thought this was a thread about the Juice Man Juicer.

01-28-2004, 02:46 AM
I really prefer video poker IRL and you should check out http://www.pokerroom.com
7 card texas hold'em free to play, you don't need to download anything but if you do want to they have a small program it seems to play better, and no spy ware or ad wear so its safe, but again you can play from the webpage