View Full Version : Sleepaway Camp

01-28-2004, 11:01 AM
Does anyone have the original 1983 Sleepaway Camp? I can't find *ANY* of the sleepaway camp movies (1, 2, 3 or the failed 4th sequel) on kazaa...

I wanted to see the original again before the new "Return to Sleepaway Camp," hit theatres..... Can anyone post a hash of the original?


01-30-2004, 04:16 PM
I can't wait for RTSC either. I own the boxset with all the dvds in them, but I don't have a dvd rom to rip them, but I do have the original on my comp, heres the hash, enjoy. Also, I posted this in the horror movie hashes, all you had to do was go there and look.

Sleepaway Camp.avi (sig2dat:///|File:Sleepaway Camp.avi|Length:734304728 Bytes,717094KB|UUHash:=dMIckh3KrL6NiFJlMUEG/v001T8=|)