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01-28-2004, 08:17 PM
Im lookign for some cool games to play, particulary, drving sims, helicopter sims, first person shooter and 3rd person adventure games (like tomb raider, rayman series).

the requirements dont matter (cuz my pc is kickass) cuz if the games dont run good they will soon (im getting a fx5600 128mb gfx card, and another stick of memory). sugest everything you like, but stick to the catagorys please.

4th gen
01-28-2004, 08:27 PM
Grand Prix 4 (Formula One racing sim)

01-28-2004, 10:57 PM
I'm not much on racing games, but for 1st person shooters: Quake3, Doom4. Unreal Tournement, Max Payne 1 & 2, and Serious Sam 1 & 2. I keep hearing about one called Gore, but I can't get my hands on a working copy....Oh yeah, and Halo! I got to try it, I hear it rocks!

Skip the Carnivore series, it's a yawn-fest!

01-29-2004, 01:13 AM
grand prix doesnt look like something i'd like, but thx for posting

quake 3 ive gotten bored of, doom 4 isnt even heard of yet, unreal tournament has never been my style, max payne 1 i beat, and number 2 i cant seem to ever download so i might have to buy it, serious sam 1 or 2 i havnt played either but heard they were pretty good so im have to check them out, and ive never heard of gore or the carnivore series. and halo i have, and love playing.

thx for the games so far, and keep them coming!!

02-06-2004, 04:22 AM
Here's one more: Giants-Citizen Kabuto
It's kinda campy, like a silly cartoon, but it's fun. As long as I'm blowing up stuff, I can over look the sillyness ;)

I tried to get neverwinter nights off supernova, but I seem to have a fragged copy. It'll load, then nothing. It also says my system is not good enough. I gotta Athy 3200 on a nForce 400 ulltra board, 2Gb of PC3700 DDR, with a Albatron FX 5900 Ultra 256MB ddr! Playing off a virtual drive with Alcohol 120% from a striped raid 0 array! What the hell do I need? Maybe I need to go to Industrial Light & Magic and borrow a super computer! Geeeeez!

02-06-2004, 08:33 AM
doom4? u on crack?