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01-29-2004, 07:22 AM
what are the chances of my ISP telling the MPAA that i download movies? just kinda scared :unsure:

01-29-2004, 11:20 AM
your ISP doesnt tell the MPAA anything....

01-29-2004, 12:54 PM
How can they track you then is it they dowload the file and who ever shares it the note the ip address and track it??????

01-29-2004, 12:55 PM
In English?

01-29-2004, 09:29 PM
I may be taking this question the wrong way, but I thought that downloading songs, movies, ect. was legal

01-29-2004, 09:42 PM
if u pay for it its legal if u dont its illeagal.

01-30-2004, 12:46 AM
Originally posted by Irvine@29 January 2004 - 16:29
I may be taking this question the wrong way, but I thought that downloading songs, movies, ect. was legal
The only illegal thing about downloading songs, movies, etc. is the copyright, if it is copyrighted and you don't pay for it, it is and always will be illegal.


01-30-2004, 01:30 AM
Hmm dude my Changces are 0 to 100

if you look in my pc , you'll see over 78263 Movies, and over 165237 games

i havent been cuht at all never will and never had !!!

they cant stop me im the KING!

01-30-2004, 03:11 AM
Hmm dude my Changces are 0 to 100

if you look in my pc , you'll see over 78263 Movies, and over 165237 games

i havent been cuht at all never will and never had !!!

they cant stop me im the KING!

The RIAA can't stop itself :P

01-30-2004, 03:51 AM
Originally posted by NightStalker@29 January 2004 - 19:46
The only illegal thing about downloading songs, movies, etc. is the copyright, if it is copyrighted and you don't pay for it, it is and always will be illegal.
Many copyrighted items may be legally shared on p2p file-sharing apps -- they either give that right in advance or allow that right on request.

Some, although not legal to upload/share/distribute, may be legal and ok to download.

But it is true that the majority ARE protected by copyright and the copyright holders (who often aren't the makers of the items in question) can and will protest if they can locate you.

RIAA, MPAA, and BSA all are pouring massive amounts of money into companies DEDICATED to locating copyright violations on the internet, particularly on file-sharing programs. Kazaa/KL++ is probably the MOST monitored.

However, using the RIAA ip blocker (and keeping it up-to-date), hiding listing of your shared files, blocking ip port 1214 (and using a different one) seriously hampers their actions. BUT... for MPAA and BSA, they WILL send out Cease And Desist notices if they spot you sharing even 1 movie or program they control copyrights to. This will basically force you to quit sharing that movie/program or they may take legal action. (But they have to find you again to verify you DIDN'T quit sharing!) Get too many of those notices and your ISP may cut you off.

The RIAA wouldn't dare harrass someone (just yet) for sharing 1 MP3 of a copyrighted song they control, so they either have to be able to aquire a long list of shared files by you via multiple or broad searches... or they have to basically hack the network or your computer in ways which are illegal. It's called man-in-the-middle hacking attacks, because they're acting like a point between you and whoever you're connecting to and listening to everything they can decode.

01-31-2004, 06:37 AM
they cant stop me im the KING!

haha ur the king until RIAA over throws the thrown and takes over :D

01-31-2004, 07:02 AM
How will you know if something you're downloading is copyrighted?

01-31-2004, 08:19 AM
Originally posted by BennyBob@31 January 2004 - 02:02
How will you know if something you're downloading is copyrighted?
Legally, you're supposed to know in advance before you copy it.

However, it does improve your defense in a copyright case if you can honestly say you DIDN'T know it was copyrighted.

But basically any creative work in the USA is copyrighted BY DEFAULT and it is up to the copyright holder (rather than the creator of the work) as to whether ANYONE can copy it and if so, under what limited conditions.

The laws are grossly unfair towards us, and becoming even MORESO... but their ability to enforce the laws is extremely limited at the moment.