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View Full Version : Whats A Good Game To Play Now A Days?

02-07-2004, 09:16 AM
:( i'm soooooooooooo bored... no games to play..... any suggestions? :smilie4:

02-07-2004, 10:20 AM
I know how you feel monkeee, just isn't shit to play anymore. I have been replaying splinter cell, halo, mgs2 substance on the box latley...getting boring. Ahh well some fun games come out this year. Half life 2, halo 2, sims2, splinter cell 2, mgs 3, hitman 3, driver 3,...

But most of those are the second half of 2004...hmm just nothing good to get anymore. I been also playing more counter-strike but getting bored since I kick everyone's ass.

I just have been making half life 2 maps..gives me something to do, and I like seeing all the new things I can do in the new engine and hammer. Though most of the models don't load for the entities...and there is a large amounts of problems...however it is the beta so...

Ahh well gives me a head start I suppose.

Don't worry...the good games will be out soon...

02-07-2004, 11:47 AM
have you tried
prince of persia
impossible creatures?