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View Full Version : Something Weird Going On On Kazaa-lite

02-08-2004, 01:40 PM
I dont know whats going on. im not to sure if its my computer or not but when im searching for videos im getting alot(just about all) what have the symbol next to it like a dat file has and not the window media file logo.

Any ideas guys?

02-08-2004, 02:24 PM
they are not complete or you changed the way you open those files or you don't have a player associated with that extension on your pc

02-08-2004, 03:09 PM
Originally posted by MUSLEMAN@8 February 2004 - 14:24
they are not complete or you changed the way you open those files or you don't have a player associated with that extension on your pc
Hi yes MUSLEMAN. i think im having problems with the way im opening the files because i have installed Nero 6 and that made all my video, mp3,DAT files into a nero showtime file which i dont want. I want the files to open with Windows media player so i made windows the default player (which i thought it was anyway) for mp3, Mpegs...and that solved most of the problem but some files including DAT file were still showing up as Nero showtime files, so i found nero showtime and deleted it.
Any ideas what to do now much appreciated......K-Max

02-08-2004, 03:12 PM
I un installed Nero downloaded two video files and they are completed and they still say nero showtime as the file name

02-08-2004, 03:16 PM
OK...I just went into windows media player options and changed the settings so now the Nero showtime files arte mpegs.YYYyyyees, But any ideas what to do when i re-install Nero 6 i dont like this Nero showtime player taking over all my file. What can i do to disable it? I could not find any options on it anywhere.

Cheers K-Max