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View Full Version : Can Anybody Tell Me If The Folowing Games Will

02-09-2004, 01:29 AM
Dead To Rights
Midnight club 2
red faction 2
madden 2003

p.s. soldier of fortune 2 runs good enough for me.It slows down some times but its playable.

i basicly want to know, up to what copyright year on games wouldl be playable on my pc?

my spec are in my signature

02-09-2004, 01:40 AM
more mem and can you tell us ur vid card size?

02-09-2004, 01:42 AM
Don't know.
Don't know.
Don't know.

I have basically the exact same sytem and Midnight Club II din't work but GTA 3 worked fine.

02-09-2004, 02:20 AM
approx total memory for graphics card is 32 mb

02-09-2004, 06:38 AM
You can't run anything after the year 2001 :lol:

I remember when I had a 32mb video CARD. I thought I had the best. Man was I stupid. Not calling you stupid or anything...I imagine you don't even know much about cards and stuff...so your not stupid...your just ill informed. Anyway I say get yourself another card. I'd recommend some but I imagine you don't have the money. Computers have parts. They need certain parts to do certain tasks. I recommend getting a 128 mb video card and 512mb of ram. I have a radeon 9600xt and 512mb but I know that probably won't last me 2 years. So if you are going to get a 128 mb video card...start with the very best. I'm probably just talking "mumbo jumbo" to you since you probably don't know much about computers. It's understandable. But I'm not the person to teach you, sorry :D

EDIT: I do have some advice however. Either get serveral thousand dollars and buy an Alienware, or go to computer school and learn all about computers, learn how to bargan and search for good prices, and go to places like ebay and buy your stuff :D.

02-09-2004, 08:52 AM
75 bucks for the geforce 5200 xgx here in canada. should be cheaper in the states (btw, it's 128 mb video card). my friends has it, all i can say it CAN run DOOM3 at average of 20 FPS. so, if it can run doom3, ur set (assuming ur getting this card). oh, and buy some more ram. also, b4 starting a game, cancel any background tasks/programs in task manager's process section b4 starting up a game, i've seen it drastically changes ur fps. oh, and if it's a 32 mber u got now, then it will be able to run gta3, red faction 2 and maybe madden 2003. midnight club is a definate no.

mr. nails
02-09-2004, 10:17 AM
if ur running xp u need at least 512 ram when playing games. o, and if u can't afford much, yeah, go with the 9600xt here. (http://www.newegg.com/app/ViewProductDesc.asp?description=14-102-338&catalog=48&depa=0) if u can afford more go with the 9800xt here. (http://www.newegg.com/app/ViewProductDesc.asp?description=14-131-231&catalog=48&depa=0)

02-10-2004, 01:57 AM
what about pentium processors and 1.7 ghz???

what are those and how do i know what kind i pentium I currently have.

and how many years can i keep upgrading my computer until i will have to buy a new one

are their upgrades for procesors and ghz mhz?

p.s. im leaving console gaming and converting over to pc gaming. thats why i have so many questions

02-10-2004, 02:26 AM
just upgrade your ram to 512 and upgrade your vid card and your set for this year... i hope.... :rolleyes:

02-10-2004, 04:58 AM
Originally posted by Fastrap@9 February 2004 - 19:57
what about pentium processors and 1.7 ghz???

what are those and how do i know what kind i pentium I currently have.

and how many years can i keep upgrading my computer until i will have to buy a new one

are their upgrades for procesors and ghz mhz?

p.s. im leaving console gaming and converting over to pc gaming. thats why i have so many questions
even with 1.7ghz of CPU, your graphics is required for the other half of the processing because of the game's quality.
If you run a game at lowest quality, your cpu will do about 90% of the proccessing, but if you put the settings up all the way, it'll only do about 20-30% (even if ya got a 3.0ghz for say)

A 128mb graphics card is reccomended for running any of those games at normal speed and can be purchased for less than $70 most of the time. Look for a geforce fx 5200. (it's pretty average as of today actually)