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View Full Version : New Film Ripped By Sha're@kazaa.

02-14-2004, 03:42 AM
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Currently MPEG-1 (Video CD compatible!)
Reconverting with VirtualDub to DivX 5.0.5.

From Imdb.com:

In New Delhi Sita, a beautiful and intelligent young woman embarks on an arranged, loveless marriage to a faithless husband, Jatin. The extended family, owners of a video store, live together according to custom. Family tensions escalate. Radha, Sita's sister-in-law, is unable to conceive; her disappointed husband Ashok (Sita's husband's brother) has taken a vow of celibacy, acquired a swami and is often gone. Eventually Jita and Radha develop a physical relationship which is far more emotionally sustaining than they have found with their husbands.

* * *

Mark Severin ([email protected])Chicago, IL

Date: 2 December 1998
Summary: A near perfect drama

This intelligent, moving and beautiful film is a study in the ways people react to tradition (reminds me of William Faulkner's novels).

The characters all feel trapped by the weight of the roles they are expected to assume, and seek for a way to live within those roles rather than throw them off altogether. But as the story develops the two wives, trapped in loveless marriages, draw together. Drawing on the strength of their friendship and love, they give each other the courage to abandon their roles.

They have found that living within their traditions is no life at all, it is a sort of living death: without passion, without true connection to others, without fulfillment. Although they know there will be a price to be paid for their rebellion and freedom, it is a price much less dear than the sacrifice called for by a comfortable, predictable existence.The screenplay is wonderful, the acting marvelous. Near perfect!





02-14-2004, 10:46 AM
why not add an hash?