View Full Version : Vmware Workstation Sound Quality

02-19-2004, 03:07 PM
I already have the latest version of the program: 4.0.5 - 6030
I am running Windows XP as the host, and Windows ME in the emulator.
I'm trying to play Age Of Empires 1 in VMware and everything, but the sound works ok. The music plays very slow paced (instead of Da Da Da it's Daaaa Daaaa Daaaa) and the sounds have alot of static and hiss to them. It's a working copy of the game because i tested it on my original xp machine awhile back.
I installed it in virtual pc so I could play it and a few other classics in "window'd mode" and because of Vmware's "Pause and Play" feature while allows you to pause the whole system no matter what your doing.

btw, i already installed the Vmware Tools package add-on to the emulated o/s.

02-19-2004, 10:22 PM
If you already installed the vmware tools package then that's about as far as the quality goes.

Vmware to me was never been that good with sound quality. I had to do a lot of work just get sound to work halfway decent when I ran my virtual machine.

They have a pretty good knowlege base if you havent checked it out already Knowlege Base (http://www.vmware.com/support/kb/enduser/std_alp.php?p_sid=5rhp3Ujg&p_lva=&p_li=&p_page=1&p_prod_lvl1=%7Eany%7E&p_prod_lvl2=%7Eany%7E&p_scf_faqs*access_id=%7Eget_codes%7E&p_cat_lvl1=%7Eany%7E&p_cat_lvl2=%7Eany%7E&p_search_text=&p_new_search=1&p_search_type=3&p_sort_by=dflt) I found a few answers to my problems there.

02-21-2004, 02:05 AM
I dunno, but i still got the problem and that help service didnt seem to solve

02-21-2004, 03:26 PM
nah.nah.now i say wa.wa.why does no one answer?