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View Full Version : My Temps Jumped Up Higher Again :(

02-26-2004, 04:45 AM
today when i installed my fan speed controller that i made, i also started to clean up my wires a bit more, some being the ide cables. the hard drive one was kinda hard to move around and got stuck a few times but i finally got it moved out of the way of my intake fans. after botting up the first time i got the message saying that ntldr was missing so i though resetting the cmos might help, it didnt and after a few minutes of inspecting the insides of teh computer i realized it was the ide cable that was bad and replaced it with a longer one i had lying around. Now windows boots fine but my temps have become higher. Im not to certain what happened. I thought maybe something happened to the heatsync but i looked at it fan is running (all fans are running) and i tried cleanign it off and putting on new arctic silver but same temps ars before. they are at 49c right now. I used to have nice temps around 35idle. I looked in the bios but could not find any settings different from before i reset the cmos, so my only idea is that for some reason it has changed my cpu voltage, which i cannot change from the bios. i do not have any options.

is 1.76v normal for my processor? its thoroughbred core athlon xp 2200+. This is all so wierd, it doesnt make sense how my temps could have gotten so much higher, all of my fans are running exactly how they were before so this has nothing to do with my speed controller. any ideas?

mr. nails
02-26-2004, 05:46 AM
did u turn the heat on? maybe u were cold?

02-26-2004, 02:11 PM

i think the motherboard changed my voltage or something, what should the voltage be for my processor? that might be why it is so high, oh and it isnt overclocked at all its running the right speeds.

edit: i just checked the amd website (it wasnt working last night) and it says mine should be at 1.75, mines at 1.76. that wouldnt make any difference would it.

02-26-2004, 02:14 PM
is it hotter in your room, an increase in room temp by 2 deg c will increace case temp and chip temp by as much as 10 deg c ,

02-26-2004, 02:29 PM
The 1.76 volts is correct. That's not the cause.

Maybe the settings were wrong before the reset? (underclocked)

02-26-2004, 06:24 PM
Vcore is most definitely wrong.

Without knowing the exact designation of your processor it is impossible to say what the correct voltage should be.

The order code on your chip will be something like:

AXD A 2200 D K V 3 C

The letter in the position of the K is the Vcore designation


Palomino chips run at higher voltages (about 1.75V) but the maximum standard voltage for Thoroughbreds is 1.65V.

02-26-2004, 10:13 PM
Originally posted by lynx@26 February 2004 - 13:24
Vcore is most definitely wrong.

Without knowing the exact designation of your processor it is impossible to say what the correct voltage should be.

The order code on your chip will be something like:

AXD A 2200 D K V 3 C

The letter in the position of the K is the Vcore designation


Palomino chips run at higher voltages (about 1.75V) but the maximum standard voltage for Thoroughbreds is 1.65V.
before i said my chip was a palamino, but after checking on the amd site i realized it is actually a thoroughbred as there is no palamino 2200+ so i edited my first post.

but these voltages are wierd, it is running at the voltage of a palamino cored cpu while it is actually thoroughbred.

lynx where can i find the order code? i dont have the original packaging as i was never given it, is it on teh cpu itself? i knkda hope not since im running out of arctic silver.

02-26-2004, 10:23 PM
here is a picture of my 'dashboard' in motherboard monitor:


02-26-2004, 11:02 PM
Yes, it is actually on the chip, but most Thoroughbreds have the K rating.

Does your bios allow you to change Vcore? If so, and that isn't the minimum setting, then the solution is obvious, and you can certainly reduce the voltage to 1.65 without checking the chip.

I've got exactly the opposite problem on a pc I'm building with an XP2400. I'm pretty sure the chip has a K voltage rating, but the mobo is only supplying 1.58V. This may explain why I was having problems in Folding with this mobo. But so far I can't find any way to increase Vcore on that mobo.

02-26-2004, 11:08 PM
Originally posted by lynx@26 February 2004 - 18:02
Yes, it is actually on the chip, but most Thoroughbreds have the K rating.

Does your bios allow you to change Vcore? If so, and that isn't the minimum setting, then the solution is obvious, and you can certainly reduce the voltage to 1.65 without checking the chip.

I've got exactly the opposite problem on a pc I'm building with an XP2400. I'm pretty sure the chip has a K voltage rating, but the mobo is only supplying 1.58V. This may explain why I was having problems in Folding with this mobo. But so far I can't find any way to increase Vcore on that mobo.
no i dont have any vcore options or overclocking options at all. its just a cheap motherboard that offers okey performace but limits features.

what kind of board did u buy ur friend? is it an ECS? i hope u didnt buy one, if u did return it they're crap. i wish i had known how bad it was when i bought it, i would have returned it in an instant.

does anybody know if there are any software programs to change voltage?

02-27-2004, 12:05 AM
It's an XFX Nforce2 400.

I've used them before and they've been OK. I've checked the chip, it is definitely a K voltage rating, but I suppose it is not impossible that the chip is not sending the right signal to the mobo.

They are both going back tomorrow, my supplier can work out which one is faulty.

If it is the mobo, I'll try to swap it for an Asus A7N8X-X, there is only 6p price difference. That's the board I wanted in the first place but they didn't have any in stock when I got this one.

02-27-2004, 12:59 AM
what is cpu clk spectrum? i found this in my bios but didnt want to enable it since im not sure what it does. does it relate to my problem?

02-27-2004, 01:06 AM
It allows the clock to drift a little so you don't get EM emissions. But it can also screw your system if you are OCing because a small drift at base frequency means a much bigger drift after cpu multiplier is applied.

It has nothing at all to do with Vcore so leave it disabled unless you know you have problems with EM emissions.

Edit: just a thought, have you looked for a bios update? Or tried clearing your bios again?

02-27-2004, 01:56 AM
i tried clearing cmos twice and there is one new bios update but im not sure which revision motehrboard i have. (my mobo has a sticker which says revision 7.0 but pulling it off reveals that it is revision 3.0 so im not sure which one it is. and the date that my motherboard says its bios was made is 1\28\03 but there are no bios versions for any of the revisions which has 1\28\03 as a realease date so im lost on which to choose...

i tried underclocking my chip to fsb 100 and it only went down about 3 degrees and still the same voltage...im not sure what to do now there are no jumpers to select voltage so that cant be the problem, and i cant find any bios options relating to any voltages...

but something i did find was a setting for cas latency on my ram. it was set to auto and running cas 3 while my ram is rated cas 2 so i set it to manual and selected cas2, but havent noticed any difference yet. btw, im back to running fsb 133.

02-27-2004, 02:18 AM
Version 030127 (http://www.ecsusa.com/downloads/k7vmm_plus.html) 5th one down.

But I can't see anything that refers to your problem in any of the later updates.

Have you tried removing your cpu and replacing it? Some of the pins are used to tell the mobo what voltage to use. If there's a speck of dirt got in there it could be the problem.

02-27-2004, 02:23 AM
Originally posted by lynx@26 February 2004 - 21:18
Version 030127 (http://www.ecsusa.com/downloads/k7vmm_plus.html) 5th one down.

But I can't see anything that refers to your problem in any of the later updates.

Have you tried removing your cpu and replacing it? Some of the pins are used to tell the mobo what voltage to use. If there's a speck of dirt got in there it could be the problem.
thanks ill try the update now although i doubt it will help, but it is worth trying. oh i was wrong about it saying 3.1, it actually says 5.2 under the sticker, and 7,2 on the sticker.

ill also try removing the processor and putting it back tommmorrow my friend said i can have the rest of his arctic silver. nice guy.

02-27-2004, 02:47 AM
well the update went without a hitch but the temps still have not changed.

i now need help with the parallel port settings. in the bios i can choose different things like ECP or something like that im not sure what they are but what is the fastest one with 2 way communication?

edit: my manual says i can use SPP, ECP, EPP, or ECP+EPP, but doesnt explain any of them. can someone tell me which is best?

02-27-2004, 09:28 AM
ECP+EPP should be compatible with most uses.

If that doesn't work with your printer/scanner drop back to EPP because that is totally backwards compatible with SPP. I've never understood why they include SPP, no-one should ever need it.