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View Full Version : Nero Burning Vcd

the mask
02-28-2004, 03:06 PM
hi, i have looked in the pinned section and looked at the nero 'how to guides' but i cant seem to find how i can burn a movie which will have to be split accross 2 cd's or more. any help in this matter greatly appreciated

02-28-2004, 03:16 PM
If its whole you would have to split it first into as many parts as needed to get the size down to one disc,normel mpeg about 820meg a disc maybe a little more.

02-28-2004, 03:20 PM
use the mpeg tools on tmpgenc to cut it

the mask
02-28-2004, 03:20 PM
ok how do i do that, i mean if i d/l a movie and then want to burn that movie onto a disk, what is the proceedure for that?

02-28-2004, 03:28 PM
To cut it up.

ok how do i do that, i mean if i d/l a movie and then want to burn that movie onto a disk, what is the proceedure for that?

If its an mpeg they are normally the correct size ready for burning if not use the above to cut .

02-28-2004, 03:31 PM
or you could use easy video splitter..........demo version free

http://www.doeasier.org/splitter/ heres a link

easy to use.........i can do it and im an idiot with these things
regards alex

02-28-2004, 04:23 PM
if you are gunna use nero to burn the cd,s make sure you turn off the make vcd compliant , as it will stuff up , if you turn it off it will work fine

the mask
02-28-2004, 05:32 PM
ok, thanx everyone, the easysplitter is cool and easy to use. right, i need to know, i have d/l a movie 2fast 2furious, its an avi file and 699mb in size, but when i go to burn this as a vcd through nero, it's size increases- well as far as i can understand anyway, is that what is supposed to happen, thats why i wanted the video splitter. maybe im doing all this wrong, this is my first attempt at trying to burn this movie so please be gentle with me as im a virgin :D lol :D

02-28-2004, 07:16 PM
you shouldn't let nero encode it, tmpegnc is is the best
look here http://filesharingtalk.com/index.php?showtopic=93421&hl=

the mask
02-28-2004, 09:30 PM
ok, i d/l tmpg, but when i do to browse to locate the movie, it says cant open it or it is an unsupported format', whats that all about (its an avi file)

02-28-2004, 09:37 PM
reread the link I gave you

the mask
02-28-2004, 10:21 PM
ok, i have installed the k-lite mega codec pack, i have gone to the enviromental settings, but i am still getting an error message

edit: ok it seems to be working, i dont know exactly what im doing, but i think its converting the format from avi to mpeg? anyway i will play around with it for a while

edit 2: BTW it says its going to take around 9 hours to convert, i mean all i want to know is why am i converting the orginal avi format anyway, im more confused now than i was before

02-28-2004, 10:49 PM
im more confused
Your confused post title was :

Nero Burning Vcd Plus:

movie 2fast 2furious, its an avi file and 699mb in size

One minute you have an mpeg for Nero then you have a avi &#33;&#33;&#33; <_<
Your answer to "im more confused " is so you can make an mpeg to cut with Nero.think. :(

the mask
02-29-2004, 05:55 AM
yes thats i right i think, no-one has actually told me that you have to convert all formats to mpeg to burn onto a disk for nero to make a vcd, so i have had to guess that is what is supposed to happen, i am now in the process of converting this avi file into an mpeg, i would just like to know how long does this process usually take, i have changed the quality setting to high (good quality), i know that will take slightly longer than if it was on normal.

the mask
02-29-2004, 01:17 PM
ok, i have started the encoding process but when it got to 29% an error message appeared saying &#39;index range is insufficient&#39; runtime (256)&#39; it was something similar to that anyway, what does that mean