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View Full Version : How Do I Unshare Files In My Shared Folder...

03-03-2004, 05:26 PM
I don't see any option in emule to unshare files in my shared files.
There are some .dat-files in there from k-lite that I 'ld like to unshare(along with some other personal files),because there are some chickenheads in my queue waiting to download them :rolleyes:
I don't want to remove them from my documents 'cause I like to keep everything in one place.So how do I do that?
Another thing is that I do have a seperate shared folder in "my documents" for emule but still emule is sharing my entire documents folder <_< And I&#39;m sure i haven&#39;t clicked "my documents" to be shared,only the subfolder "shared folder".
What&#39;s up with that? :blink:

03-03-2004, 06:07 PM
First off, check your file sharing tree in preferences. The checked folders atre obviously the ones you&#39;re sharing and you can unshare an entire folder by unchecking the box. Within eMule, this is the only option for sharing or unsharing files; it is folder by folder, not file by file.

If there are items in your "My Documents" folder that you do not want shared then simply move all files you wish to share into the subfolder that you created and share the subfolder only.

You will also need to designate this subfolder as the destination for your incoming files and temp files from eMule. eMule automatically shares your temp folder, so if you have the main folder assigned as your temp directory it will be shared even if you untick the box.

03-03-2004, 06:21 PM
Originally posted by guit_steel@3 March 2004 - 19:07
so if you have the main folder assigned as your temp directory it will be shared even if you untick the box.
Yep,that&#39;s why my entire documents were being shared :rolleyes:
Problem solved.
Thanks :)