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View Full Version : Identifying Sharers

03-04-2004, 06:31 PM
Does K-lite offer protection from being identified as a sharer of files. In other words does it protect me from being the defendent in a lawsuit from the RIAA by stopping them from identifying me. I'm not going to reword it again, so I hope someone gets that and comes up with an appropriate answer and an explanation if possible.

03-04-2004, 07:14 PM
Short answer is NO. Klite hides what your sharing, if you are using the privacy protection, but this does not disquise your IP address which if some really wanted they can get.

03-04-2004, 07:48 PM
Originally posted by plandis9841@4 March 2004 - 14:31
Does K-lite offer protection from being identified as a sharer of files. In other words does it protect me from being the defendent in a lawsuit from the RIAA by stopping them from identifying me. I'm not going to reword it again, so I hope someone gets that and comes up with an appropriate answer and an explanation if possible.
emmm bosss no p2p does that and if you they told you differently then they are lying to you.

riaa has few different way of geting you, not just one. for example one of them is when you come out to download they grab you and monite you B)

03-04-2004, 09:49 PM
Originally posted by plandis9841@4 March 2004 - 13:31
Does K-lite offer protection from being identified as a sharer of files.  In other words does it protect me from being the defendent in a lawsuit from the RIAA by stopping them from identifying me.  I'm not going to reword it again, so I hope someone gets that and comes up with an appropriate answer and an explanation if possible.
Can't be done. But you could try alternative networks like BT (very insecure BTW) and SoulSeek, which media conglomerations haven't caught on to yet. :)

resident Evil255
03-05-2004, 01:58 AM
I had a question about identifying sharers. First of all if you share rare songs or videos does that still make it illegal?? Rare songs include songs/albums & videos that are not available any other way because they dont produce them anymore, so would it still be illegal to share those type of files.

The reason i ask because i think its not fair that we shouldnt be allowed to share files that are not available to buy if that is the case, i know thats how life is though that we cant have everything, but for instance..

The original Xmen tv cartoon series is not available on dvd or vhs. Of course they have selected episodes but they are all out of order & some of them are out of print, but you can find the episodes that are not available in stores on kazaa, or other downloading programs.

The second thing i want to ask too is how easy is it to get caught sharing or downloading music or videos?? Plus do organizations (probably like the RIAA) moniter online activity to see if someone is d/l or uploading too much stuff from your computer. For example..

You have over 2,500 files, both music & videos constantly being uploaded from your computer, on top of that you have download activity going on while you are away from your computer so you are getting files on your computer from other people so that adds up on your sharing list.

So all im basically asking is could anyone just find out your doing illegal activity in your own home & try to track you down??

I am sorry i had soo many questions but i am just curius because i do have quite a bit of activity on my traffic at times & i just dont want to get busted for doing something i dont want to be accounted for. Also too, like i said most stuff i want to have & share is stuff that are unavailable to buy in stores. I dont really care about sharing stuff that anyone could buy at your local store. I know that is illegal & i dont really have much stuff like that anyways. Whatever stuff i do have that is easy to find in stores, do you recommend i not share that or share very little to avoid getting caught??

I also realize you do have privacy settings in kazaa lite to avoid getting caught that way, but i dont like doing that sort of thing because it does tend to block your sharing list so other people could see what you are sharing or have. Anyways sorry for the large amount of questions & thanks for hearing me out.

Mr. Blunt
03-05-2004, 02:43 AM
Originally posted by resident Evil255@4 March 2004 - 17:58
First of all if you share rare songs or videos does that still make it illegal?? Rare songs include songs/albums & videos that are not available any other way because they dont produce them anymore, so would it still be illegal to share those type of files.

The reason i ask because i think its not fair that we shouldnt be allowed to share files that are not available to buy if that is the case, i know thats how life is though that we cant have everything, but for instance..

The original Xmen tv cartoon series is not available on dvd or vhs. Of course they have selected episodes but they are all out of order & some of them are out of print, but you can find the episodes that are not available in stores on kazaa, or other downloading programs.
I'm only going to answer one of your questions, mostly because I'm to lazy to even read all of that post of yours. :P

If it's copyrighted, it's illegal to share. Unless you have to permission to distribuate (sp) the content.

03-05-2004, 02:54 AM
the copyright law states if its 50 years old from the time it was produced, you can use and share it , but if not its a no no, so wait like 50 years lol

03-05-2004, 05:35 AM
If you would like to learn more about copyright law, visit Slyck (http://www.slyck.com) or the EFF (http://www.eff.org). :)

resident Evil255
03-05-2004, 07:07 AM
ok thanks guys for your help, not the answer i like to hear, the fact that since probably most of them are probably copyrighted is still pretty lame if they arent making money off of it & your just sharing the file shouldnt be illegal then in that fashion, unless you are making money on it i can understand that, but thanks for your responses :) i appreciate it, yah i know i like wrote a novel, lol

03-05-2004, 08:03 AM
Originally posted by resident Evil255+4 March 2004 - 20:58--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (resident Evil255 &#064; 4 March 2004 - 20:58)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>I also realize you do have privacy settings in kazaa lite to avoid getting caught that way, but i dont like doing that sort of thing because it does tend to block your sharing list so other people could see what you are sharing or have.&nbsp; Anyways sorry for the large amount of questions & thanks for hearing me out.[/b]If you are sharing 1,000 files or more, then disabling the ability of others to LIST all your shared files can and probably will speed your uploads up. (If they&#39;re well-named enough that your uploads turn up in searches that is.)

The listing of each file to each person that requests a list may well take at least 1/4 KB or up to 1 KB (I&#39;m not sure of the exact amount) for each file listed, so for 1,000 files that&#39;s at least 250 KB or up to 1 MB. Now 250 KB may not sound like much, but if you can only upload at 10 KB/sec, that&#39;s at least 25 seconds you cannot upload anything. Actually, the loss is spread more evenly over a longer period of time, but the loss amount is still roughly the same -- the equivalent of 25 seconds of not being able to upload anything. 1 MB would take almost 1 3/4 minutes.

That may still sound like a trivial amount, but if 10 people are doing this an hour, then you&#39;re losing as much as 17 minutes worth of uploading an hour. And there&#39;s NOTHING to stop RIAA/MPAA/BSA/spammers/etc from each trying to list all your files every 5-15 minutes -- which they WILL do if they can find you, even if you AREN&#39;T sharing anything illegal&#33;<!--QuoteBegin-delphin460@4 March 2004 - 21:54
the copyright law states if its 50 years old from the time it was produced, you can use and share it , but if not its a no no, so wait like 50 years lol[/quote]That&#39;s 50 years IN EUROPE, but in the USA copyrights last for 75 years or more past the death of the author or 95 years for corporation-own copyrights.

resident Evil255
10-15-2004, 10:13 PM
sorry, this is like an old topic kind of but thats interesting, i have never thought of it that way.. the think about kazaa tho is.. its slow, its really slow & generally b/c of people with 56k modems. & does the RIAA just look for anyone sharing anything/downloading anything?

Mr. Blunt
10-15-2004, 10:35 PM
sorry, this is like an old topic kind of
Kind of? It's a really told topic. :lol:

11-22-2004, 05:20 AM
Is it possible to make a P2P client spoof your IP address? I know that if you surf with something like Anonymizer, anyone trying to trace you will get the IP address of the Anonymizer website and not yours. It seems that something might be possible to hide your IP address from prying eyes.

Mr. Blunt
11-22-2004, 08:23 AM
This thread is alive again!

Try using a proxy?

11-22-2004, 09:08 AM
that's exactly what mute does. instead of directly connecting clients, which is how they catch you on kazaa, it sends all the data through proxies. so that the 2 parties never know who each other are. the network doesn't have as many users as the bigger networks, tho, it is anonymous ;)

MUTE Hompage (http://mute-net.sf.net/)