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View Full Version : Irc - Since When Did It Become A Ghost Town?

Project E-01
03-05-2004, 03:11 AM
Maybe ive just got something set wrong, but everytime i jump in the IRC channel (yah, the one at the top left), there's no-one about. Not even idlers. o.O

[02:10] *** now talking in #klitechat
[02:10] *** ChanServ sets channel #klitechat mode +ntr
[02:10] *** ChanServ changed topic to §§ Welcome ² K-Lite Chat &#33;&#33; §§ [9:48pm] <@Corvey> ya razz i got lice (Razz)
[02:10] *** K-Lite ([email protected]) joined
[02:10] *** K-Lite sets channel #klitechat mode +ao K-Lite K-Lite
[02:10] *** K-Lite sets channel #klitechat mode -ahoq SwallowTail SwallowTail SwallowTail SwallowTail
[02:10] *** channel #klitechat mode is +ntr
[02:15] <SwallowTail> er... anyone aboot?
[02:16] * SwallowTail listens for the echo


Ah well. such is life, life is such.

03-05-2004, 03:18 AM
Probably because the channel is #klchat. Must remind 7thElement to change that link. :lol:

Project E-01
03-05-2004, 03:21 AM
Ah, this would explain it. Was worried for a moment it was Hydra playing me up. :P