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the mask
03-10-2004, 11:24 PM
as far as i remember if i see a red bit in the progress bar that means that the file i am d/l is going to be incompltet, is this correct. i also right clicked on the d/l and went to 'more info' and it said 'available 91.42%' does that information mean that i am only going to get that much of the file?

03-11-2004, 05:06 AM
yes the red indicates that, that part of the file is not available on the network, if you don't see it after a week or two then forget it

03-11-2004, 06:11 PM
to be safe, keep your computer on always and overnet running. It is possible that the initial submitter of the file if you are using verifieds got cut off while serving and his submission of the whole file to other users was limited. I have decided to just leave the files I have in red active and not just delete them. Sometimes I have red files show blue after about 3 days or so. (24/7 online time) if I finally complete a file that has taken forever, I make sure that I serve it for others. I just hate having to kill good files because the initial server didn't distribute the file correctly.