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View Full Version : Mouse Button Integration For Kazaa Lite Versions

03-11-2004, 10:44 PM
I am wondering if it is possible to add back and forward button intergration on the Web (Start) page for the people that have mice with buttons on the side. :helpsmile:

Currently if you want to go back you have to click on the back or forward button with your mouse pointer to perform those actions. This isn't an important improvement but it would be a nice convenience for those that have those buttons on their mouse. Those buttons work in Internet Explorer so perhaps maybe they can also work in the Kazaa Lite versions too! :D

Thank you to all people that have their spent time and involvement in producing such an awesome improvement to the original Kazaa programs. :D

Example of mouse buttons on the side (http://www.microsoft.com/products/info/product.aspx?view=22&pcid=90134df1-861e-417e-a584-86e088e38cdb&type=ovr)

04-06-2004, 12:59 AM
Any developers know if this is a hard thing to implement?

What also would be nice if there was a drop down part in the back button ....so if you want to go back lets say 5 pages you could do so easily. I know MS Internet Explorer has that feature.

For instance when visiting this page within Kazaa Lite Resurrection v.0.0.7, I wanted to go back a few pages and I couldn't because the page would keep refreshing. I finally did get to go back, but I had to hit the back button really really fast to beat it!

K-Lite Mirror Download KLR here, and many other tools - Don_Pedrote's Page. (UNKNOWN)
is the link

Anyway maybe these few features can be added in or not? Developers? :P

04-06-2004, 09:49 PM
:lol: What a bump. :01:

04-09-2004, 11:51 AM
hah...ya know...it really is :lol: