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03-12-2004, 08:02 AM
Greetings people,
I m thinking of building a website for my club but the problem is that I don’t know a shit about building websites.

So that’s why I m here posting this thread. I m hoping that you people would give me some good advice, links, and lots of help.

Firstly, I want to know what software’s I should use. I know about dreamweaver but I m not sure how it works exactly. Is there any other softwares for building websites for total n00bs??

Secondly, I m going to put some good effects on my website ( propally text effects ), I m sure there are software’s out there which will make my work for making effects much easier.

Any help on this matter would be great, I m really looking for some good help.

Thank you peeps.

Take Care
:) :)

03-12-2004, 08:18 AM
Dreamweaver rocks, if you don't know nothing about html try WebPage Maker (http://www.webpage-maker.com/) or Frontpage for some time, then move to Dreamweaver . :)

03-12-2004, 07:11 PM
It really depends on the services you get from your webspace provider.
Find out whether your webspace account includes support for things such as cgi, perl, php, asp, includes and FrontPage Extensions.
Dreamweaver & FrontPage are the most popular programs for making pages and they're both easy to use WYSIWYG editors, but DW doesn't come with quite so many tricks built-in, although the HTML code it generates is renowned for being tight.
FP has built-in support that enables you to easily build and handle forms, pages with DHTML text effects, and a neat idea that makes menu buttons for you.
FP, however, produces notoriously bloated code. That doesn't sound too bad on the surface, but you need to consider that the longer people wait for a page to load, the more likely they are to go elsewhere.

I like DW and built a fairly popular (within the subject that it covered) site with it a couple of years ago and found the template system a great help when updating common page areas.
I'd have liked to have had some of the effects that FP offers but just opening the site in FP2000 completely fucked up the formatting on all the pages... luckily I'd made a back right before.

Bottom line? Use Dreamweaver and make it clean & tight. Fancy effects look nice but after you've seen the FP swirly text-coming-into-place a hundred times it looks tacky.

03-12-2004, 09:41 PM
thanks both for da adice!!

03-12-2004, 09:46 PM
you dont need a program to make a website just learn html. it is so simple it should not take you more then an hour to get to grips with the basics of the language.

here (http://www.htmlgoodies.com/primers/basics.html)

once you have learned that use dreamweaver and you will understand what your doing.

03-12-2004, 10:11 PM
Once you've made your website, pick a good web service provider.

If you have a lot of pictures and files you want to upload, sites like geocities arn't that good because you have to use their single file uploader.

I'd reccomend using Freehost (http://www.00freehost.com/) becuase they have a built in java ftp tool. It makes it sooo much easier.

03-12-2004, 11:30 PM

03-13-2004, 04:06 AM
M$ Frontpage
Bluefish (http://bluefish.openoffice.nl/)