View Full Version : How Can You Share Better....

03-14-2004, 09:48 PM
I'm tired of sharing with people that leech. How can I share with those who are willing to share.

03-14-2004, 10:12 PM
In any program, there is no absolute way to prevent from leeching. It is somthing you will have to deal with.

03-14-2004, 10:45 PM
If you have more than 1 upload at once, then the probability that it's filled up with a single leech or leeches goes done slightly.

On OTHER file-sharing programs, people can't get 2 or more uploads at once -- so leeches cannot tie up a sharer in that way either. Unfortunately, the makers of Kazaa never added that feature. Our loss. :(

You can also turn off listing of all your files to decrease someone's chances of trying to download MANY of your files at once, at the expense of others. This can also reduce hostiles ability to screw over your computer/connection. And it even hides you somewhat from RIAA's searches. You can become better protected (but not 100% -- more like 80% protected) from RIAA/MPAA/BSA by using an up-to-date ip blocklist with KL++'s blocking ability and then the really evil leeches/fake MP3 makers will be far less likely to bother you.

Also, you can limit the max number of uploads and use a bandwidth limit for uploads to prevent both your computer and connection from being overloaded by uploading to others. This will also speed up your downloads (over using NO limits), and also make both downloads and uploads more stable.

In conclusion, share and don't worry minute-by-minute about whether your current upload is to people you'd hate. KL++ and its use shouldn't be something that makes you miserable.