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View Full Version : Kazaa Lite & Download Resuming Issues

03-15-2004, 05:45 AM
Okay. I use kazaa lite 2.4.3

quite often, if im downloading a rare, big file, i find the person goes offline. Later that same person (possibly under a new ip) comes back on, but the half-completed file does not resume.

However, if i do a search, and recreate the download, the file starts fine, from that user.

So this is not a case of there being no users available to let me download - this is actually the download .dat file itself seems to be damaged. I don't enjoy having to restart a download thats a few hundred meg from scratch when i was half done!! and im sure nobody else does.

Restarting kazaa, or pausing and resume the download does not help.

It may be coincidence, but when i view the file in KDat, there are no sources next to the file. some of the dat files have sources and some don't. If i try to modify a .dat file with Kdat, which does not have a source i get:

"Access Violation at Address0049f70f in module Kdat.exe. read of address 0000000"
(note: i dont have kazaa running when trying to modify a .dat file)

if i modify one with a source, this is fine.

Even if a file is downloading (or has been downloading), sometimes the source does not appear when looking at it with KDAT (and the above issues sometimes happen)

This is the single most infuriating issue i have with kazaa lite (i assume ordinary kazaa does this too - but i wouldn't touch that with a 10 foot pole). Other than that i'm very happy with kazaa.

Does anyone have a fix, workaround, or at least know why this occurs (or even have experienced the same thing?) I'd be really gratefull to hear from you!


Autumn Fox
03-16-2004, 01:04 AM
Maybe merging sources will help, though i doubt it :( .

Get K-Lite 2.6, higher chance of success. ;)

03-16-2004, 05:03 AM
What's happening? You start a download and it just keeps searching for sources?

03-16-2004, 05:22 AM
Nope, I start a download, it downloads some of the file, then the only user goes offline.

At some point later on (might be days later) that user comes back online, and the file doesn't resume the download. (doing a new search for the same file, will start the download as a whole new download from the beggining

this is no good, as chances are i'll get 25% of the file and the user will go offline and the same thing will happen again.. does not always happen, but happens WAY too often, and is very frustrating.

03-16-2004, 05:25 AM
Try starting a download of that file again, copying his IP address, and replacing the one in the old DAT file with it. :)

03-16-2004, 09:25 AM
Do i need to use KDAT for that? because when this happens, it seems that its with a download that has no sources according to KDAT, and if i try and add one, i get the error mentioned earlier.

03-16-2004, 09:42 PM
Try an older / newer version of K-Dat or try Dat View.

03-17-2004, 04:40 AM
first of all how do you know the user is back on line?? seconed that user is probably behind a router and does not have kanat, the dat file does not store the local ip so when that source comes back the download can't be resumed because the ip is not stored.

are you behind a router your self??

03-22-2004, 04:29 PM
I know the user is back online because i have done a NEW SEARCH, for the file (which i already have part of) and i click download and the NEW DOWNLOAD starts from the NEW SEARCH while the original download stays stagnant. I recognise the usernames some of these times.

I am behind a router myself, and yes, i do use KANAT. however this is irrelevant - as the download works when i create a new download but does not continue from the old download.

More recently I have been usine Kazaa Lite Ressurection 007 ? or whatever the versionn number is. I haven't noticed any issues with the DAT files yet, but i'll be sure to keep an eye on it.

Autumn Fox
03-23-2004, 12:27 AM
Usernames, even if identical, aren't to be used as a base for verifing wheter a certian user is online as they aren't unique.

Try this: Launch multiple with searches SuperNode jumping for this file, but pause the download as soon as they start. Make alot of new downloads of this file and keep them paused. Now, with K-Dat merge the sources of them all, this will give you many repetative sources but don't worry, then delete all but one download, the one with all the sources, then start this download and see what happens.

If needed K-Lite 2.6 is capable of launching multiple searches in a single session. Go to The Forum of K-Lite 2.6 (http://www.fasttrackhelp.com/developmentforums/index.php) or download K-Lite 2.6 using my sig. Be sure to download the Kazaa.exe and Magnet.exe.

03-23-2004, 01:21 AM
you should get emule for rare files :D

03-23-2004, 06:24 AM
Originally posted by jim1013@22 March 2004 - 12:29
I know the user is back online because i have done a NEW SEARCH, for the file (which i already have part of) and i click download and the NEW DOWNLOAD starts from the NEW SEARCH while the original download stays stagnant. I recognise the usernames some of these times.

I am behind a router myself, and yes, i do use KANAT. however this is irrelevant - as the download works when i create a new download but does not continue from the old download.

More recently I have been usine Kazaa Lite Ressurection 007 ? or whatever the versionn number is. I haven't noticed any issues with the DAT files yet, but i'll be sure to keep an eye on it.
well as i said if that user is behind a router then the old file will not start because klite does not store the local ip so when the user comes back on that file will not recognize it because there is no ip to connect to as far as the dat file is concerned.

try merging the 2 files.

03-23-2004, 09:39 PM
How to merge DAT files by MUSCLEMAN (http://ktechsupport.clicdev.com/f/index.php?showtopic=21)

03-25-2004, 01:48 AM
Thanks for those suggestions and the handy link for merging dat files - i'll give that a try!

Yep i got emule now - although i got shareaza recently, and it seems to be better at searching a whole lot of emule servers. (better than emule that is). It is definatley great for some rare, fairly large files. most of my downloads through it go at 1 KB/sec though :( , with the occasional fast one every now and then.