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View Full Version : Little Prob With New Pc

03-15-2004, 09:02 AM
hey i wonder if any one can help with this prob when im downloading stuff i sometimes get knocked from internet i arent actually disconnected cos u can still ping my ip but i cannot transfer any data to and from internet i.e web pages/ emails/downloads etc..
i use soulseek/emule and bittorrent to download and i have noticed (i maybe wrong) that it usually does when something happens with server of downloading prog i.e when using soulseek if server goes down it knocks me off or if e mule server disconnects etc..
i have been using these progs for ages n never had any probs on old comp or even on this one untill i installed a lan card n router.
my spec for comp is:
pent 4 2.8ghz processor
160 gig hard drive (not sure what else u need)!!

i have also put in a netgear fa311 lan card and have a netgear mr814 wireless router
like i mentioned it seemed to work ok b4 these were put in.
the modem proved by my broadband supplier is a webstar.
any ideas how i can rectify this as it is slightly annoying.
i have port forwarded the port numbers i believe to be right for the programs i use but is there any other configuration i need to do with router that could be causing this.
pse pse :helpsmile:
thanx every1 in advance

03-15-2004, 11:02 AM
Make sure you've got the latest version of firmware.

You can get it here (http://kbserver.netgear.com/products/MR814.asp) but make sure you get the right one for your model, V1 and V2 are not interchangeable. Look at the label on the bottom, V2 says MR814v2

03-15-2004, 07:37 PM
thanx 4 that tried it but unfortunately its still doing it! i forgot to mention that i run my laptop through my router aswell and that works fine even when this comp is knocked off. so could it be the lan card could it just be faulty?? i have tried uninstalling n reinstalling on diff slot.
plse help!! :D

03-15-2004, 08:22 PM
It can't be a hardware problem if you can still ping the ip.

Some tests to find out how far you can ping, and whether by name or just by number.

Can you ping the router from your pc when this happens (make sure you can ping it before it happens though)?

If yes, can you ping your ISP?
1) by name
2) by ip address.
Try it beforehand to get the ip address.

If it works by address but not by name you probably have a DNS lookup problem.

If the answer is yes, can you ping this forum (filesharingtalk.com)?
1) by name
2) by ip address.
Try it beforehand to get the ip address.

The answers may shed some light on the problem.