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03-19-2004, 03:15 PM
Hi everybody,

I've been using K-Lite for nearly 6 months and I've noticed that the sources of the files I want to download are only limited to the users in my country and considering I'm a resident of a very small country (MALTA) sources and users are therefore very restricted. A month ago I was on a holiday in the UK next to my brother who lives there and using his KLite, I could see an unbelievable tremendous difference of the sources available.
What can I do so that I can start downloading from foreign users and from foreign sources? This thing applies also to the uploads - as it seems that only users from Malta upload files from me. I want to change this thing if possible and I've been asking my friends, reading material from the Help topics and also changing some of the settings in my Klite Options but I didn't manage to make my KLite sort of "international". Just to let you know I have a cable internet connection 128K.

I really appreciate if you can help me.

Best Regards,
Jack Daniels

03-19-2004, 06:43 PM
Hi jackdaniels

I'm not a tech-wiz, but...

Have You learned how to use SuperNodes? Have You tried to connect to SuperNodes in other countries? That can be a start...

PS. I'm running Kazaa Lite ver 2.43 and connect to SuperNodes all over the world. But if I leave a search going on for long time Kazaa Lite will rather soon reconnect to SuperNodes in my own country.

Just my two cents...


03-19-2004, 07:18 PM
Hi Hammond,

Thank you for your message. Actually I never tried to change my settings to a supernode but reading about it I didn't understand very well what advantages as a user I can get from supernodes. To let you know I'm not a tech-wiz too and some of the material I read about supernodes was not clear to me. Would you be so kind therefore to tell me in simple terms what are supernodes and how can they solve my original problem?
I also read in the help topics the following: "Being a Supernode helps other users. Other computers connect to you, and your computer does the searching for them. Your Supernode communicates with other Supernodes worldwide to help other members search the network."
Having read this, do I benefit as a user from changing to a supernode or only other users benefit?

Thank you very much for your help.

Jack Daniels

03-19-2004, 08:19 PM
Hi Jack Daniels

OK. I'll try to explain the basics as I understand them, but I hope someone else will give/point You to more info.

First, it's not at all about that You should force You're own client to be a SuperNode. It's about that You could try to connect to other SuperNodes than those in Malta, if (?) You are connected only to those.

(Every Kazaa client is connected to a SuperNode, and that SuperNode have a list of the files that other users connected to the same SuperNode are sharing. That's why You can get different search results by connecting to different SuperNodes)

So, here we go:
1) Tools menu. Choose/KA ZuperNodes
2) You'll get a new window with the SuperNode application
3) Click the Check Status button (down to the left; move Your cursor over the buttons and You'll see the labels.
4) Doubleclick on a SuperNode that's not in Your country with a fast respons time (0 is the fastest and best)
5) This choosen SuperNode will now be transferred to the field New Supernode.
6) Shift-Click on the button Connect to new SuperNode.

After a little while You are connected to the choosen SuperNode. If it doesn't work click on Set new SN and restart Kazaa (but if You have to do this You're current down- and uploads will be interrupted.

Hope this will help You on Your way.

PS. I'll be happy if someone more qualified than me can give more/better info to Jack Daniels. How to download files with SuperNodes from differnet countries, as an example. Or if he has some other problem with his connection, and how to solve it.


03-19-2004, 10:32 PM

I've been doing what you've suggested and I've seen an improvement only in the searches - now being a supernode I get much more search results than I used to have before. However, in downloading, I have seen no difference at all as when I click on a file to download after a while it goes in either "more sources needed" or "remotely queued" status. It still seems that I'm very restricted in regards to the sources available as some of the searches were over 50 users and with excellent integrity but still unable to download it.

I still require help please as I'm going :frusty:

Jack Daniels

03-19-2004, 10:37 PM
here is a bit of info you need to know

your download speed depends on the # of sources for it and their upload speed, anddon't be fooled by whatyou see in the search window they are not an indication of who is available for connection so change supernodes to see if you get lucky, also use localized supernodes, also try changing ports, and lower your upload bandwidth,remove the no ip sources from your dat files and see if it helps , and if you have a router you need to get kanat (http://www.fasttrackhelp.com/development/ftfakes/)

now you are connected to a supernode, there are a group of people connected to that supernode also and you can only search each others files unless you jumb supernodes.

ofcourse where ever that supernodes is, that is the country of the group of people are, well atleast most of them.

if you want to connect to different countrys then you need to connect to supernodes in that country.

03-20-2004, 08:48 AM

It seems I've tried eveything you told me now but with no success: as I told you only the search results improved but downloads are still very poor. I think I'm missing something in the settings as I still can't understand the fact that in the UK I've seen downloads extremely fast as well as uploads being very frequent- this all resulted due to very high resources available. I'm still highly limited and restricted as regards resources although I'm connected as a supernode. Do you think there is another alternative to all this?


03-20-2004, 09:13 AM
well i asked you to connect to different supernodes not be one, second which ever supernode you find good sources with then stay connected to that one.

third read my post again your download speed depends on the # of sources for that file and their upload speed

03-20-2004, 01:09 PM

Thanks for your support and I've read and I've been trying what you told me to do. To be honest I've seen an improvement when I tried to connect to different supernodes - rather than being one. However to be realistic, I can't compare my download results to that of my brother in the UK - I'm still very very far from it. I understand that downloads depend on the # of sources and their upload speed as you told me but I think that's applicable everywhere - and still can't understand why normally when he clicks on a file to download (being whatever kind of file) it starts to download immediately. Believe me, what I downloaded in 5 months he did it in a week and I'm sure it's not because of his internet connection speed but because of the many sources available of whatever mp3 and whatever file you try to find.

I know I have to be patient to get the best results.

I really appreciate of your help and also hammond's



03-20-2004, 11:47 PM
ues well try to connect to the supernodes he is connected to boss :lol:

03-21-2004, 02:06 AM
:D Yes of course - that's my next move - hopefully I will succeed....thanks a lot

03-21-2004, 02:55 AM
as long as he gives you the right supernode you should be just fine :lol:

03-21-2004, 11:23 AM
Yep I'll do it for sure - listen this morning I've been trying to connect to different supernodes in different countries and I've noticed that the same two files were being downloaded all the time and still from the same users.This is strange for me because as I told you I've been changing supernodes.Do you have a clue?


03-21-2004, 12:24 PM
lol yes boss i do, once your dat file has the source's ip stored then it does not matter what supernode you are on, we change supernodes to find more sources to add to the dat files which = more speed :lol:

03-21-2004, 02:40 PM
Oh I see - I still have to learn a lot. Listen my brother gave me his supernode connection IP address and I am now connected to this supernode-it&#39;s seems to be a very good SN as the search results are very good. I&#39;ve seen also my brother as a user in the search results. However, Muscleman, I&#39;m back in sh*t. Whenever I try to download something(there was one particular file over 100 users with Excellent integrity) it began to download from a Maltese user again (I can tell from the surname) and this particular user was not one of the users given in the search results - I&#39;ve tried this thing over and over again and still connected to the Supernode my brother gave me and always either more sources needed or else the file starts to download from a user in my country where sources are very limited.(just to let you know total population of the whole country is <400,000.) It&#39;s like I am connected to the supernode only for the search results - otherwise I am connected to a local SN - although whenever I check whether I &#39;m still connected to the SN my btrother gave me it will be ok. I don&#39;t know-I&#39;m confused. What do you think is the problem?


03-21-2004, 02:47 PM
the problem boss is that you have no sources for those files :lol:

03-21-2004, 03:00 PM
So how do you expalin the fact that being connected to the same SN we tried to download the same file - and my brother downloaded it in 2 minutes and in my case it&#39;s been in a more sources needed status for more than 2 hours now. I think the answer is not that easy Muscleman.

03-22-2004, 12:43 AM
Originally posted by jackdaniels@21 March 2004 - 11:00
So how do you expalin the fact that being connected to the same SN we tried to download the same file - and my brother downloaded it in 2 minutes and in my case it&#39;s been in a more sources needed status for more than 2 hours now. I think the answer is not that easy Muscleman.
hey boss i&#39;ve done this a million time, as i said you can&#39;t compare the 2 everthing about them is not exactly the same, so you can&#39;t compare, sn is just one aspect out of like 10 different things.

now i&#39;m not gonna argue with you, you wanted an answer and i gave it to you, its either your isp, sources, supernode, network, how you connect and etc.

unless your brother is sitting right next to you using the same exact pc with

the same exact procesess runing in the back ground, same exact klite with

same exact files, with same exact settings, uploading and downloading the

same exat amount of files, with same exact # of downloads in the traffic,

connecting exactly the same way to the internet, using the same exact isp

with same exact rules, and being exactly in line for that file same exact

place, which even then they can be different, but till then lets not even

waist our time, just because you are connected to the same sn :lol:

now if you know something we dont&#39; then we are all ears ofcourse boss :lol:

03-22-2004, 03:25 AM
As I understand it you can only download from Maltese users regardless of the location of your search results. Could this be a function of your ISP rather than K-Lite? Does your ISP restrict your access in some way and would changing help?

This is unlikely in general because your OS and AV updates may come from many international locations but may be a policy for P2P downloads.

I know in the middle east some countries have a single ISP with severe restrictions on web access - it may be simply that the Maltese Telecom service does not want its international lines jammed up with loads of happy downloaders&#33;

Why not ask them (but first make sure your activities are not illegal in Malta).