View Full Version : Looking To Convert

03-19-2004, 08:17 PM
im sick of being catholic> the whole church is funn of hippocrites

im looking to convert because i want more than people telling my how to pray and how to love god.

i want more.

i was just wondering what budism is all about.

03-19-2004, 08:34 PM
If you are a believer in god what does it matter which religion you follow and the manner you worship. what would be more important is the manner in which you conducted your life.

I am a doubter of gods existance therefore look at religious groups from the sideline. To me the idea is that God is within you and your belief and actions are what you will be judged on, not your affiliation to a worldly group.

Not to suggest any wrongdoing on your behalf but your post seems to be taking a less than serious attitude towards worship

03-20-2004, 06:36 PM
but im forced to go 2 a catholic school. and even though in canada we have freedom of speach i still get in trouble when i express my opinions.

4th gen
03-20-2004, 06:39 PM
Originally posted by TheCanuk@20 March 2004 - 17:36
but im forced to go 2 a catholic school. and even though in canada we have freedom of speach i still get in trouble when i express my opinions.
If you believe in something, isn't it worth fighting for?
If everyone gave up when the going got rough, where would the world be?

(That sounds so hypocritical coming from me, but the sentiment is there :) )

03-20-2004, 06:47 PM
Originally posted by TheCanuk@19 March 2004 - 19:17
im sick of being catholic> the whole church is funn of hippocrites

im looking to convert because i want more than people telling my how to pray and how to love god.

i want more.

i was just wondering what budism is all about.
I stayed in a temple in Thailand with buddhist monks giving teachings everyday and I can assure you that if you try it out you'll experience the change (rather than blind faith).

It's more of a philosophy than a religion and you can take it to what ever degree you watnt. :)

03-21-2004, 10:27 PM
Buddhism is all about the love within each of us and the ability to show unconditional compassion for all living things

get 'the little book of wisdom' by the Dalai Lama - all u need 2 know about Buddhism in a nutshell and small enough to hid from the nuns.

never be afraid to express your opinion - it it feels right then its right

and with regards to converting..... be careful not to just swap one religious hierarchy for another..... you can live your life on the right path without joining 'religion'


03-23-2004, 10:45 AM
Organized religion is all about control and power. They hate critical thinking. Yes Buddhism is not a religion but a philosophy, so and don’t quote me on this, but is it possible to be a catholic and a Buddhist at the same time? Hmm, interesting. But if you’re going to be one or the other go Buddha dude. But read the texts for yourself, people have a tendency to screw things up with their own interpretations and agenda.


03-23-2004, 01:08 PM
A phrase from Dalai Lamas teachings
"Some will be drawn to Buddhism but i really think its best that you try to find truth in the religion of your forebears and ancestors. Its very hard to change religion. I think its safer not to"

03-24-2004, 12:42 AM
do you really need religion? that should be your first question... and why or why not should be your second

Neo 721
03-27-2004, 01:12 AM
Its mainly centred around idea's these day whatever you ethically agree with is what you be suited to.

03-27-2004, 03:55 AM
don't have a religion, its pointless

03-27-2004, 04:07 PM
Read up on stuff,believe in yourself not some crap someone tells you to,if your faith doesn't sit right with you don't do it,bit difficult if you're in a Catholic school,when you leave you can look for the truth in everything!
Ever played chinese whispers,the Bibles been rewritten so many times I doubt theres anything original still in it ,some cool stories in the first bit though ;)

Rat Faced
03-27-2004, 04:14 PM
Zen Buddism works thus....

Love and Harmony cannot be achieved through material gain, thus money is the route of all evil...

Zen Buddists therefore, at great risk to themselves, will relieve you of this burden and speed up your journey to true enlightenment...

Such selfless people....

03-27-2004, 04:37 PM

What is the object of the exercise?

If you are looking for spiritual guidance then I suggest you quietly contemplate the direction of your life with reference to the works and thoughts of others that have trod this path.

If, on the other hand, you would simply like to get under the Nuns' skin then I suggest you adopt the trappings of the religion they dislike most (actual adherence to this religion is not essential). I have no idea which religion would be most effective - the natural choice would seem to be Satanism, but I suspect Southern Baptist (or any other extreme Protestant derivative) might work just as well.

This approach just be adopted with caution, especially if any of the Nuns have psycopathic tendancies.

[I do not accept liability for any pain, trauma or other injury you may incur by adopting such a strategy].