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View Full Version : Emule! Explain Children?

03-20-2004, 08:51 PM

I have emule i think its great because it has loads of files! But i dont think i know how to work it properly, when i click or get a link from a site it adds and then i q and q. Then sometimes it downloads like for 10 mins at like 4.00 kbs speed or 10 if im lucky and i have broadband! Am i doing something wron, i herd aboiut this id thing so i share files i leave me pc on not download so ppl can get stuff off me hopefully allowing my id to increase or sumit im not sure if thats right. Anyway i have and it isnt working...maybe its my setting. or is it just that emule is just slow and you have to wait a long LONG time o download stuff. i mean all files have like 160 user so i dont think its cause not many ppl have the files i want.

if you could help me with setting or whatever!!!

cheers n all help


03-20-2004, 09:36 PM
explain children?

well im not in any position too, maybe when i have my own i will add something to this patronising post :P

this section has some posts you could though for setup info.

03-20-2004, 10:31 PM
Originally posted by original_nuttahx@20 March 2004 - 16:51
when i click or get a link from a site it adds and then i q and q. Then sometimes it downloads like for 10 mins at like 4.00 kbs speed or 10 if im lucky and i have broadband!
cheers n all help

Thats how EMule is....try Overnet (http://www.edonkey2000.com/downloads.php) its slightly