View Full Version : Lamsey's Broo

4th gen
03-26-2004, 07:23 PM
Lamsey said if he was offered over £5 to shave his Broo to "normal" standards, he'd do it...I'm a poo student, so who'd like to donate to the Lamsey's Broo Removal Fund?


03-26-2004, 07:25 PM
u mean like this: http://server6.uploadit.org/files/peerzyboy-liam1.jpg


03-26-2004, 07:27 PM
So that's what the PayPal button is for... :lol:

03-26-2004, 07:48 PM
Noob asked me what it would take for me to shave the brow. I said a fiver - sounds like easy money to me :D

03-26-2004, 08:37 PM
£5? Pfft - I get double that every eBay sale :P

Gimme a Paypal account to send the cash to and I'll pay the fiver. However, I want evidence of such hair removal and screenshots can be edited by Photoshop so they won't do...

So send me his unibrow in the mail :lol: