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View Full Version : Viewing Movies

03-28-2004, 05:26 PM
I admit it.... I am new to this... how do you get a good quality movie to watch on your TV/DVD player? The movie looks good when I view it on the computer but when I put it on a CD (using Nero) the quality is awful. Are you all watching these movies on your computer only? Or do you have any suggestions. Thanks so much for the help. Lori

03-28-2004, 05:43 PM
If you burn the movies with NeroI guess you reencode them to SVCD, whereas on the PC you have avi files (avi = divx/xvid =smaller and better quality)
You could either get a dvdplayer that is able to play divx/xvid movies, or look if your graphics card has aTV out then you can connect your TV to your PC.

A other possibility is that you encode to svcd yourself with another programm that maybe makes better quality for guides have a look at http://www.vcdhelp.com

03-28-2004, 10:52 PM
This is the old computer saw, GIGO (garbage in = garbage out).

Good quality movies are there but you need to have some basic criteria to separate the wheat from the chaff.

1 Filesize/length - no more than 1 hour 15 mins per 700 megs

2 Resolution - forget anything under 600x*** unles you are desperate to watch it

3 If it says DVD/DVDrip it may be that good BUT bear in mind points 1 & 2 above.

Like Benno says a DVD that reads AVI files is a good bet. I have a Liteon LVD2001 (cost approx £120 in the UK) which produces a near DVD quality picture and Dolby 5.1 sound from avi's if they are of sufficiently high quality (most movies of this quality are split into 2 or even 3 700 meg parts).

PS In my experience re-formatting to SVCD produces roughly VHS quality.