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View Full Version : Bcdc++ 0.401a Released Mar 28, 2004

03-29-2004, 04:05 AM
BCDC++ 0.401a is out, with some nice fixes.

Get it at http://utrum.dyndns.org:8000

If utrum doesn't work, try http://www.zelmak.net/bcdc/ and http://www.peda.info/


04-01-2004, 01:33 PM
Hey brainchasm,

Thanks very much for the release, it looks really good!

I have two questions if that's ok :

1. What is the benefit of using 'randomize download nick while active' - I understand what it would do, but why would I want to do this?

2. I have been using BCDC++ for a few months, and I have continually had a huge memory leak problem.

I did a new test with 401a:
I am sharing 27gb, connected to 9 hubs, each hub has 1000-3000 users, sharing 100-400TB. I downloaded nothing, and did no searches. I did a few uploads.

Startup - time 0 mins - no hubs connected - 9mb used
time 1 mins - connect to 9 hubs - 48mb used
time 5 mins - 68mb used
time 20 mins - 87mb used
time 35 mins - 100mb used
time 45 mins - 107mb used

So it seems to be gaining about 7mb per 10 mins with 401a - and the same in earlier versions. In previous versions of BCDC++ I have tried changing many options to fix this, but nothing works. (I haven't tried changing any options in 401 yet.) I have this problem both in Win2k and Windows XP.

Is this a bug, or is there something I can change?

Thanks very much!


04-14-2004, 09:26 PM
I've got a problem with this version. Whem I'm trying to run it I get a message box which says that the program couldn't find psapi.dll. I've downloaded this missing dll and put it in Windows\System forder (Windows 98 se) but the problem remained. Only the message has changed: psapi.dll is linked with missing ntdll.dll, but this library I DO have! Is there any way to get this version up and running under Windows 98 se?

04-30-2004, 04:26 AM
To respond in order:

1. Dunno why you can randomize nicks. I would ask cologic aka BlackClaw if you see him on a hub somewhere.

2. Memory leaks seem to be on a person-by-person basis, not platform. That is to say, you are likely the only person experiencing your particular memory leak...unfortunately, that makes it pretty much impossible to troubleshoot.

3. If you are still using 98SE, you need to upgrade. I won't even attempt to deal with a platform that is 2 or 3 versions and a dozen service packs behind the times.

I have pretty much detached from the BCDC++ team, as I have moved to Las Vegas and I need to find real employment. I may get back on board in 3-6 months.